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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Pole barn
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# Posted: 24 Sep 2021 10:19

I see a lot of barns and shops built like this. Skimpy? I suppose the posts on 8' centers go into the ground, and that's a good part of the rigidity? And the metal siding counts for shear?

# Posted: 24 Sep 2021 10:36

My dad's pole building, 40 x 80, was like that pic. The inevitable big wind storm racked it out of square and the roof leaked thereafter.
They need to have diagonal braces on the corners from the start, not after they have been racked. The good news is that the braces can be put on after the build.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2021 14:58

I would expect the posts deep in the ground to help some.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2021 16:47

The deep set posts do help, But a few sheets of some sort of sheet goods (osb, plywood....) in the corners do wonders for stiffening up the structure. Considering that my weather extremes are sufficient to make the cold months and the hot months uncomfortable for extended worktimes inside I prefer to sheet the entire exterior, including the roof assembly. Then the structure is super solid I can insulate easily if I want to and the roof never rains on me inside. But there are a lot of barns and machine sheds around here built like the picture shows. Just not on my property.

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