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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Insulation for a Northern Michigan cabin
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# Posted: 9 Jun 2011 15:21

My friend and I have a cabin in Northern Michigan, our families have used it for vacationing for years. Our families have given it to us, and it'd be amazing to live there but it's not insulated so we'd have to find a place to stay in the winter. I know there's gotta be a way to insulate it, even though it's already built and everything.
Anyone have any suggestions? At long as it's not too expensive I'm down. Thanks!

# Posted: 9 Jun 2011 15:35

How is it constructed? If it's 2x4 walls you can blow in insulation. You can buy it at Lowes, and they one here, lets you rent the blower for free if you buy enough bags. You'll need a hole saw.

# Posted: 9 Jun 2011 15:38

It's just a wooden paneling layer, with siding on the outside. It has a base of 2X4s, but that's it. Would you know if there was some way of doing it under the siding?

# Posted: 9 Jun 2011 15:45

Maybe we could take off the siding, add insulation and then another layer of wall, then siding. It's complicated, but I think it's worth it. If that's how it works! I'm clueless.

# Posted: 9 Jun 2011 16:25 - Edited by: MtnDon

If you can get the siding off safely then could not only blow cellulose in the wall cavities but you install a layer of foam on the outside. The other method requires a hole to be drilled in the wall at the top and bottom of each cavity.

Insulating the attic will pay big rewards.

FYI,the insulation blowers that my local Lowes an HD have are only suited to blowing in an attic. The machines have a label stating that

# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 18:27

If that's the case, check the local equipment rental place. Should have what ya need. Our house is blown in the walls and attic. Nothing in the floor at all.. It stays pretty toasty.. In Indiana winters..

# Posted: 15 Jul 2011 23:01

I would look at insulating the attic first. It should be easier.
The work on blocking air leaks, drafts.

For the walls. It depends. How large is this cabin? Are the inner walls finished? Are there a lot of windows. How far for the windows stick out from the outside wall?

Everyone is focusing in blowing cellulose. I do not know much about that and it could be great (so someone correct me or comment), but taking down the inside panelling and adding fibreglass insulation is something to consider.

If you are taking the outside panelling off, you could add some foam, and set up a nice wind barrier but the paneling may stick out far from the windows and doors and not look right or collect water.

I was considering spray foam for my place but then calculated the
cost, it is maybe too expensive.

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