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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Pizza in the woodstove
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Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 23 Oct 2023 22:26

Hey All

I thought you might like to see the video we made at the cabin making pizza in the woodstove. It was cold a raining so we couldn't use the pizza oven. I worked great. Mabey give it a try!

# Posted: 24 Oct 2023 10:52 - Edited by: Tim_Ohio

I started making pizza at home during the pandemic. Now, every Friday is pizza day. I like to brag a bit about having invented the best crust around. I call it a baguette crust, since it's roughly based on how to make French baguettes. Anyway, I've found the best way to do it is to start the dough on Thursday. Mix it up Thursday night, leaving it out to sit on the counter until you go to bed. Just before going to bed, remove the dough from the bowl and flatten, then fold it five times on the counter. Then, put it back in the bowl and into the refrigerator over night. In the morning, remove it from the bowl again and flatten and fold as above. Then, leave it somewhere warm to rise all day. About the time to make the pizza, flatten and fold again and place back in the bowl to sit while prepping the toppings. As you know, dough in general, is about the same recipe, however, it's how you physically treat it that renders different results. When you go to flatten it, do not use a rolling pin. This kills all of the air in the crust. Pat the dough into a disc, then spread it with the fingers a little at a time pushing the air to the outside edge as you turn it and work it to be flat until it's the size you want it to be. Once it's at that size, it's ready for the toppings. When I make it at home, I spread and work it on the baking sheet. But here is the secret. The baking sheet is aluminum and before spreading the dough, take a stick of butter and coat the surface before spreading the dough on it.
This gently crisps the underside and prevents sticking without the use of cornmeal. Also, pizza is best cooked at the highest temperature possible. Our home oven goes to 525 F.

I love your idea of using the dutch oven and another cast iron skillet. I can see coating the skillet with a stick of butter, then spreading the dough into it. I'm going to try it that way.

Thanks a lot for posting. I'm really into pizza and can't get enough. My last pizza was a white Greek pizza made with artichokes, kalamata olives, Feta cheese, roasted red peppers, chopped garlic on a bed of mozzarella cheese. These are some unbelievable flavors.

Happy pizza making.

# Posted: 24 Oct 2023 11:12

If only pizza liked me

# Posted: 24 Oct 2023 11:37

big fans of pizza here as well.
couple years ago we made a woodfired pizza oven out of clay we dug on the cottage property. I'm not sure if the pizza really is as amazing as we think it is, or its just because of how much work we put into the oven, but either way its awesome.

Woodstove idea is great, unfortunately my door is too small to make that work.

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 24 Oct 2023 23:16

Tim, thanks for the recipe, We will give you dough a try!

# Posted: 25 Oct 2023 08:06

Onatario Lakeside,

I just reread what I posted. I left out that you will want to cover the bowl when proofing the dough. Otherwise, it will dry out. Also, some people say oil the bowl. I never oil the bowl. It works well, even if it sticks a little. I found the oil gets wasted. Also, my dough is a little on the wet side, and this helps it develop. My hands are coated in flour as I work to spread it and I also dust it with flour as I work it. This eliminates the stickiness. Also, use bread flour, not all purpose. The higher protein content aids in the yeast in CO2 production, adding air making the crust have more body and not like cardboard.

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 26 Oct 2023 08:12

got it thanks!

# Posted: 27 Oct 2023 20:33

Great video and genius idea to cook pizza in a wood stove. The pizzas looked delicious!!!

# Posted: 27 Oct 2023 20:37

Quoting: Tim_Ohio
Then, leave it somewhere warm to rise all day.

As an avid bread maker if you want a warm place for the dough to rise, put it in your oven with a towel draped over it. Place a pan of hot water in the bottom of your oven. Leave your oven OFF. The pan of hot water creates a warm and humid atmosphere that bread dough loves. You may find it will rise faster in this environment.

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