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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Chinking
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# Posted: 18 May 2012 15:22

My husband and I will be chinking our house this fall and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on chinking products.

# Posted: 19 May 2012 00:05

I have used Sashco Log Jam, with good results. You can buy it by the tube to be used in caulk guns, or if you are going to do a lot, buy it in a 5 gal pail, and purchase a special refillable caulking gun. You save a lot of money buying in the bulk 5 gal pails, One pail saved me enough to buy the gun.

# Posted: 19 May 2012 00:19

Is it a re-chink, or a first time chink on the house?

How big is the house? It's likely buying the gun and 5 gallon bucket(s) is more practical and cost effective. You also need the plate that goes in the bucket for the gun to screw in to. It makes it tremendously simpler to load the gun.

I use Log Jam also. Good stuff. Use a high quality spray bottle (Rubbermaid makes good bottles, their commercial ones) with a mixture of 50% water/rubbing alcohol to tool the chink when you put it in. The mixture keeps the chinking from sticking to your tools, and allows you to get a decent finish on it. I use small margin trowels, ground to various widths and lengths. Some use foam brushes, I dont like them, and don't think they allow you to tool the chinking properly. Perhaps the brushes have a place as a finish, but the chinking needs to be tooled to adhere best. Tooling basically amounts to rubbing the material aganst the logs as you work it, just like you rub tape when you put it on something. I've worked on things that obviousy weren't tooled, and the chinking comes off much easier than where it is tooled well. The small trowels, or the little metal tools that sashco or whoever sells will let you tool it well.

# Posted: 21 May 2012 09:35

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