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Small Cabin Forum / Off Topic / Did you ever catch lyme disease?
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# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 14:49

My middle daughter got it about 20 years ago. No rash, just a symtom of sorts now and then. She must have had it a while and it cost a fortune to treat with home IV's. She still has issues.
My youngest daughter got it 17 years ago. Even in only three years treaments had changed enough the she was actually cured with pills.
I got it last summer. I had flue like symtoms, so dizzy, I barfed a lot.
I went the the doc. the next day, she looked at me and aksed me if I thought it was lymes. Yep. She gave me doxycyline. 24 hrs later I was fine. She even gave me pills for if it happens again. She said we were so sure of what it was, we didn't need the test. That would have drug it on for several more days. Thank you Doc. Good job. Now I'm not so worried about them tics.


# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 14:56

Never had it but know someone who died from it years ago. Your daughter was very lucky. My granddaughter was sick last week while she was here-high fever and sleepy but nothing else really bothering her. Next day she was perfectly fine. Dr. said to watch her for Lymes symptons. Tics are gross little annoyances but the deer ticks scare me cause they are so tiny I feel like it is that much harder to be on guard for them. Now I feel buggy, but am glad you are feeling better!

# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 15:10 - Edited by: sabiggs

I had lyme disease a few years ago. I had flu-like symptoms for about a week (100+ temp, fatigue, joint pain, overall misery) before I got the meds for it. I had the blood test done and was told I had Lyme.

Even though I think I caught it very quickly, and don't really feel any lingering affects I can tell you this--Lyme Disease is no joke. I am extra cautious now about doing checks on myself after doing work in the yard.

In my primary residence, we have a little over an acre (half yard, half woods). For a time, it seemed like if you took two steps into the woods, you'd come out with three ticks on you. My one year old daughter had an engorged tick behind her ear last the meds for it but did not get Lyme thankfully. Ever since then we've paid $100/ month to have the whole yard sprayed for them. I was just dragging brush deep into the woods today and came out with nothing. Expensive, but worth it.

Like I said before, Lyme is No Joke!

# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 15:50

my brother got it one year.he was so sick.lives down in texas.
poor buddy he was.
well my sister got him to the dr and they got him better pretty quickly.
sorry for those who get this.hugs to all.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 21:17

I'm going for bloodwork in the morning to test for it. I've been suffering from chronic fatigue for about a year and they've pretty much ruled out everything else. I haven't had any joint pain or any other symptoms (other than what you'd expect at 63). At this point they're grasping at straws I think. I did find a tick in me this winter but I was already in the midst to the fatigue thing anyway. I was previously under the impression that they weren't around in winter here in NH but not so.

# Posted: 2 Jul 2012 21:20

Let us know what the results are. You may have been infected a year ago and not known about it. I hope you find relief from your symptoms though-no fun to "drag" through life.

# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 00:19

Quoting: flyrdr
I'm going for bloodwork in the morning to test for it.

good luck flyrdr...i hope things turn out not too serious.keep us posted...

# Posted: 3 Jul 2012 07:34

Having it for a long time is bad. My first daughter who didn't get diagnosed for a while will always have troubles. None of use had a bullseye rash. My second daughter did have areas of light rashes.

I hope you find out what's up soon. At our age it's nice not to waste time being run down.


# Posted: 5 Jul 2012 11:08

Quoting: flyrdr
I'm going for bloodwork in the morning to test for it.

Did you get your results back yet?

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