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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Flashing a ledger board
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# Posted: 25 Dec 2013 23:23 - Edited by: grover

I've been researching a bit on how to flash the ledger board on the front of my cabin for the deck. I know I can't use aluminum in direct contact with treated lumber. I was wondering about the flashing that goes behind the ledger board and extends down below my sill plate. Why can't I use the ice dam material that you use on roofs. The rolls I have seen are 36 inches wide and are self adhesive. I could split that in half and have an 18 inch wide strip attached directly to my cabin under my house wrap. Then the ledger board and then flashing over the top of my ledger board. The ice dam material would help protect the wood from anything that might get behind my siding.
If you had very much flashing to do it seems it would be cheaper than the vycor or other such products. It would be too thick for windows and doors but for decks it seems like a good alternative.

# Posted: 26 Dec 2013 11:31

I use the rubberized window flashing under thresholds, and Weatherguard roofing membrane to flash over ledger boards. My thinking is to keep the moisture and dirt from getting between the ledger board and the banding.


# Posted: 26 Dec 2013 17:37

The rubberized window flashing, called "RedZone" or "Resisto" here is good stuff to see over the ledger board because it's self-healing meaning it closes around fasteners. Try to get wood dry, lay 12" wide material over the top edge of the ledger board with a generous 3 to 4" over hang then lay it up the wall above. Using the primer on the ledger board improves the stick. If the 8" up the wall isn't high enough to get under the siding and drip edge then use another layer overlapping by 2" then run it up the wall. Start your first course of tarpaper or tyvec on top of the flashing. Seal Edge to the flashing using "tuck tape"

# Posted: 27 Dec 2013 00:55

If you are in a wet area, you can also use the red zone flashing to cover the tops of your deck joists. Cut the flashing about 3" wide and run strips over the joist tops,then mount your deck boards by screwing or nailing through the flashing into he joist. In wet areas like here, that protects the joist from the water that lays under the deck boards on top of the joist. The "self healing" prevents the standing water from penetrating the joist.

# Posted: 29 Dec 2013 16:06

thx Dekagoldwingers. that's a good tip.

# Posted: 29 Dec 2013 16:28

I used red zone over the deck ledger board on my cabin and installed it similarly to Dekagoldwingers suggestion.

# Posted: 29 Dec 2013 22:20

Thanks for the feedback. Cheers

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