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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / Finally!!!!! (lake lot in SC )
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# Posted: 23 Mar 2015 21:48

Funny story about the dock lumber. I was exhausted, ready for the closing to be over and done with, and not paying attention.
I had ordered 16 each 2x10's...12' long. Paid the guy, and pulled around to where he directed me. We loaded the lumber into my short bed F-250...and I noticed that the lumber was extending way beyond where I thought it should. Loaded, I strapped it down and drove below the speed limit for 9 miles back to the lot.
Pulled the lumber off one at a time and dragged it 100 feet to the site, and after unloading 4 of them it hit me that they were longer than I had ordered....measured them and they were all 16 footers!
Checked my bill and he had charged me for 12 footers!

# Posted: 23 Mar 2015 22:27

Quoting: Tarmetto
Checked my bill and he had charged me for 12 footers!

lol...more is better for sure...

I know you will enjoy working on your land and building your camp/cabin or cottage

# Posted: 27 Mar 2015 13:03

Quoting: turkeyhunter
glad you got in your NAME....lake lot owner...and looks like you got busy quick!!!!

Yep!...and the wife and I are heading back down this evening to "hopefully" set some dock pilings by water jetting. We'll be adding 4 pilings to what we already have framed up, and possibly 4 more in open water.
We had the local lumber yard pre-cut the 2 x 6 decking to length, so that saved us a couple of precious on-site hours.

# Posted: 6 Sep 2016 12:03

Been awhile since I updated, we've been busy trying to make our place "usable" before we start the cabin build.

We've positioned a camper, under carport cover, and built a "bath-house". The addition has a full bath and laundry, and we tied the roof(s) together as well as the decks.
We finished the rigid dock, then built a floating dock.

We're WAY behind on starting the cabin, mainly because we've had terrible luck with tree guys! We've hired 3 thus far...and none of them ever showed up to do the work.

# Posted: 9 Sep 2016 16:19

The bath house is bigger than most small cabins on this site. All that new treated lumber looks great.

I live just North of you in Spartanburg county. I have acreage just over the line in union County (W. Springs) I have never heard of that lake you are on but it looks to be a nice, peaceful place.

Ontario lakeside
# Posted: 9 Sep 2016 18:36

What is the cable outlet box for?

# Posted: 9 Sep 2016 20:20

Quoting: Ontario lakeside
What is the cable outlet box for?

I'm betting its for ham radio gear.

# Posted: 19 Sep 2016 16:48

Quoting: pondjumpr
I live just North of you in Spartanburg county. I have acreage just over the line in union County (W. Springs) I have never heard of that lake you are on but it looks to be a nice, peaceful place.

It is very peaceful! There are folks a lot closer to us than you are that have never heard of the lake.
It's just north of hwy 252, closer to Ware Shoals than Laurens, but in Laurens County.

# Posted: 19 Sep 2016 16:51

Quoting: Ontario lakeside
What is the cable outlet box for?

toyota_mdt_tech is correct! Coax connections for ham radio.

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