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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Wireless Thermostat
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# Posted: 9 Jan 2015 21:56

Lets talk wireless thermostats. 12x32 cabin heated with a wood stove. Im hoping to add some type of propane heater and use a wireless thermostat. I use the cabin as a snowmobiling cabin. Right now I get there in the morning, build a fire and then go for a ride so when I return the cabin is starting to warm up. What I would like to do is before my 2 hour drive to the cabin from home I would like to use a wireless thermostat to turn on some propane heat at the cabin. By the time I get to the cabin it should be starting to warm up. I can build a fire and rely on wood heat the rest of the time I am there. Anyone run a setup like this? I have two propane wall mounted direct vent heaters sitting on the shop floor. I would love to be able to use these with the wireless thermostat but I don't have a clue whether they would be compatible or not. Anyone run a similar setup??

# Posted: 9 Jan 2015 22:29

Do the propane heaters have the ability to be wired to a wall thermostat? Mine don't, but some do. That would be a necessity.

# Posted: 9 Jan 2015 22:44

Check out the Nest thermostats. My HVAC contractor was showing me his recently and they can monitor the system with their smartphones. Like Don said, the'd have to be able to be wired to a wall thermostat first.

# Posted: 9 Jan 2015 23:18

Smartphone capability is what I am looking for.

Not sure how to check to determine if mine can be wired to a wall thermostat. Ive never used a thermo with them but maybe they can be. How do I check?

# Posted: 10 Jan 2015 00:02 - Edited by: MtnDon

Reading the user manual, is where I would start. The heater needs to have a gas control valve that has electrical connections that can be connected to a remote thermostat.

Our wall heater (a Housewarmer) has a knob mounted right on the heater. It is mechanically connected to the gas control valve. If your heaters are like that there is no way to use any type of remote thermostat without completely replacing the gas control valve. That may not be easy; it may involve changing some of the gas pipes and fittings as well as the valve. Or it may be easy. Depends. Probably at least a couple hundred bucks worth of parts.

The new model of the Housewarmer heaters use a millivolt thermostat, the mechanical type with a slide of some kind to set temperature or a digital type. With a millivolt thermostat system you can almost be 100% assured that a new Smart thermostat could be used to permit remote / distance control with a Smartphone and internet availability.

So, start with the user manual. Post the make and model here, maybe someone can help figure it out.

# Posted: 10 Jan 2015 08:36

Thanks MtnDon! I don't have the manuals but I will check out the heaters and see what kind of control valve to has. I know one of them has a mechanical control and Im not sure about the other.

Could someone explain the wireless requirements one needs to have in order to use a thermostat like this? Does the cabin need to have internet? Does it need a router? Or modem? I was under the impression that the smart phone would communicate directly to the thermostat? So a power supply and cell reception would be all I need? Or am I overlooking something?

# Posted: 10 Jan 2015 09:24 - Edited by: MtnDon

The cabin needs an internet connection and wifi. Both Nest and Honeywell have smart thermostats and have instructions for wiring online. Nest says theirs works with 95% of furnaces. So there is a chance if your heater has a 24 volt system like most home furnaces do.

# Posted: 10 Jan 2015 12:26

Give this a peek, it covers WiFi remotes.,,20807246,00.html

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