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Small Cabin Forum / Member's Projects and Photos / 20 x 40 with loft in SC
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# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 06:01

We have finally broken ground on our dream build!

A year behind schedule for various reasons, but here we go!
Footings and block for the crawl space should be finished by 1-17-17. Crawl space will be 3'+ on the upper end and nearly 5' on the lower end, which should allow the option of a horizontal air handler if we decide to go that route.

Perimeter framing will be 12' tall to add a little loft space, and a 12/12 pitch roof.

It will be slow going, as I plan to build myself (and we live 2 hours away) but at least we're finally making progress!

# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 08:31

I love the sound of an excavator in the morning... it sounds like victory!

Congrats. Keep us posted.

# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 15:18

How exciting! This is the same size we're hoping to start on this spring:
20x40 with a partial loft. We hop to do a full basement as well.
Looking foward to seeing your floor layout.


# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 20:39

Quoting: Rys
How exciting! This is the same size we're hoping to start on this spring:
20x40 with a partial loft. We hop to do a full basement as well.
Looking foward to seeing your floor layout.

We're going for a full loft, but crawl space. Slope doesn't lend very well to a basement.
The lot is lakefront (lake behind the camera in the pic) we're shooting for a front kitchen (so we can have a pass-thru window to the front deck), mid great room, back bedroom. Upstairs will have my ham shack room and the wife's craft room looking at the lake, a mid "anything" room, and a back bedroom.

# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 21:35

Where will you put your stairs? That's what I'm sill undecided about.

# Posted: 12 Jan 2017 21:48 - Edited by: Tarmetto

Quoting: Rys
Where will you put your stairs? That's what I'm sill undecided about.

Me too! I'm thinking about stepping out of the shell as a cantilever for the lower flight, as part of an entry way. Picture a mud area if you will...with an outside entry door....step in to a mud porch and the stairs go up in front of you...another door to gain entry to the lower level is to the right. This kinda/sorta closes off the upstairs from the downstairs for us, so that we need not heat/cool both levels if we so choose. Same design could be used without the second door. We're doing 12' walls so we should have plenty of room to do it.

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