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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / a small but good generator
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# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 11:12

I am getting more convinced that I will need a small generator for use with my washing machine,small microwave,back up lighting,computer,water pump and vaccuum cleaner.A honda 1000w would be my first choice but my wallet's last choice.There are many brands out there but also many warnings that you get what you paid for.I think that a small 1000 watt one would give me the most running time per gallon of gas.I don't see the point in getting to big a generator for what little power need I will have.Also interested in compairing a propane powered generator to a gas powered one.What would be nice also would be to have an electric start.(12V)that way I could set up the controls inside where I'm nice and warm.Anybody got any advice for me?

# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 11:34

I like and own the Honda 2000.. Of course its going to set you back even more, but will operate up to 15,000 watts continuously and will power sensitive equipment with ease.

# Posted: 26 Jan 2011 12:48

Quoting: larryh
I like and own the Honda 2000

Ditto on this from larryh.

I almost bought the EU1000 but it wasn't rated to run the wife's hair dryer (please....don't ask!!!). Even though my EU2000 is rated at 13 amps I've powered by 15 amp table saw with no trouble on occasion and that was very handy.

I also looked at and compared several brands for almost a year before I bought, including the lookalike Honeywells and NOTHING compared favorably with Honda in terms of efficiency, quiet, warranty, etc. Pure sine is a must for electronics, especially printers.

# Posted: 27 Jan 2011 00:51

I've got an EU2000i as well. One nice thing about the Hondas, compared to other brands in that size class, is that it is a bit easier to change the oil and filter without making a big mess. I doubt a 1000W could power a washing machine. 2000W might do it, depending on the starting draw. Or were you just going to run it off batteries, and use the generator to recharge them?

# Posted: 27 Jan 2011 01:38

If you want the best fuel economy get an inverter generator like the Honda EU series or a Yamaha like a 2800i (i=inverter).. These all have a generator load controlled throttle. The Hondas throttle down more than the Yamaha, Hondas are quieter, and more money.

A regular non inverter generator runs at 3600 rpm's regardless of load; a regular screaming demon. Cheaper but way noisier.

Be careful when selecting a generator. Anything with a motor in it draws much higher current for a few seconds while starting. A microwave advertised as 800 watts draws more power than that. The 800 is cooking power. Actual power draw is more likely to be 1000 - 1100 watts.

# Posted: 27 Jan 2011 16:24

Quoting: MtnDon
Anything with a motor in it draws much higher current for a few seconds while starting

MtnDon: this is what impressed the heck out of me with my EU2000i. It hardly burped when I overloaded it once or twice with my table saw. A very nice piece of equipment and well worth the money.

# Posted: 27 Jan 2011 20:33

Quoting: larryh
but will operate up to 15,000 watts continuously and will power sensitive equipment with ease.

15,000w? but it specs out at 2000w, 1600w continuous output. are you refering to the eu2000i ?

# Posted: 30 Jan 2011 08:42

I am leaning twards this Honda eu2000i but for that 1100bucks I could buy a bunch of cheaper generators.It is true that I need the most quiet one and dependible.I will be fireing it up twice a day,2 or 3 hour durations 365 days a year.I will have it hooked up to my battery bank as well as my solar charging system.It's all trial and error at this point.Got to experiment with the whole system to find a happy medium.I'm excited to give it a shot.

sm paul
# Posted: 30 Jan 2011 10:12 - Edited by: sm paul

I was in the market for a genny a couple years ago. I had $1000 to spend, so I was going to get either a honda or yamaha. The only problem was I wanted to run my compressor and my wife wanted the option to run our AC. The honda would do neither.
After countless hours researching, I ended up getting a Boliy 3600 with electric start.
The boliy was the only pure sine wave genny I could find that was very quiet, very light weight [76lbs] and powerful enough to run my compressor for around a grand.
What really sold me on it was when I read about them on the air-streamer forums. I literally couldn't find a bad review, and some of these guys have had theirs for a long time.
I now have over 500 hours on mine and it still sounds as good as the day I bought it.
If I had to do it again I would definitely still buy the boliy.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2011 11:58

Quoting: rayyy
.I will be fireing it up twice a day,2 or 3 hour durations 365 days a year.

If I had a typical cheap generator and I was running it that much it would drive me nuts. My wife would kill me if the neighbors didn't beat her to it.

# Posted: 30 Jan 2011 12:44

You do not need to spend $1100 for an EU2000i. I bought mine brand new for $895, no shipping and no sales tax. Granted this was two years ago but with a little effort you can do better. The price ranges I encountered 2 years ago started at $1100 and I kept shopping online until I found the best deal. I then called the distributor and placed the order over the phone with a live person.
Keep shopping for a better price. If you want I'll gve you the name of the place where I bought mine although I haven't checked their current price.

# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 18:45

That would be great,Bob.I would appreciate the info.

# Posted: 2 Feb 2011 21:15

Quoting: rayyy
That would be great,Bob.I would appreciate the info.

Before I post any private or consumer information I want to be sure that this is OK with the forum admin.
Since there is no way to PM on this board I'll have to post up for public view things like url's, addresses & phone numbers.
I don't know if admin. has a policy about posting things like this so I'd like to see what CabinBuilder has to say before I do it.

# Posted: 3 Feb 2011 12:00

Quoting: bobrok
I'll have to post up for public view things like url's, addresses & phone numbers.

Spamming is not OK, but there is no harm in posting links to useful and related information resources that will benefit our members. The forum even has a section dedicated to this, "Useful Links and Resources". I think many will be interested in info on inexpensive generator supplier.

Thank you for being considerate.

# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 15:55

That's OK Bob,I think I found the deal you got on line.I'm thrilled.It is ordered. :-))))))))(YEE-HAWWW)

# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 16:24

rayyy, I'm sorry to be unresponsve. I wasn't ignoring your request but I have been out of town a lot in the last couple of weeks and I haven't had an opportunity to dig through my records for the information I had promised.
I'm happy that you were able to get a better deal. Nice going!
Just for the record I do remember the dealership I bought mine from is in Spokane, WA

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