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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Searching for Quality Propane Refrigerator
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# Posted: 22 Mar 2011 14:21

I want to upgrade to a larger LP fridge and can not find any product reviews or customer ratings. I am searching for a 15-18 cuft. model. I found several brands but no reviews. Can anyone help?

# Posted: 27 Mar 2011 18:09

Where are you, rwisland?

Quoting: rwisland
I want to upgrade to a larger LP fridge and can not find any product reviews or customer ratings. I am searching for a 15-18 cuft. model. I found several brands but no reviews. Can anyone help?

# Posted: 23 Aug 2011 22:46

Still looking for an awesome fridge? Crystal Cold, hands down. I got mine from Ben's discount supply. It is well built, efficient and keeps things really cold at low setttings. It also will cool down in about a half a day, so if we leave the cabin for long periods we just shut it down. Mine is the 18cu.

# Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:05

Are you in the United States?

# Posted: 25 Aug 2011 15:46

If you're in the US, Crystal Cold (Amish) & EZFreeze (also Amish) have the best performance and service record in the size you're looking at. Servel (Swedish, manufactured in US by Dometic) has the all-time best record, but their fridge is a little smaller. I looked at floor models of all these brands at our local off-grid supply store and found them to be very sturdy, well designed and well built.

Since you already have a propane fridge, you're familiar with some of the issues: uneven temps, fridge freezing and freezer thawing. These are still a *small* problem with the models above, it's inherent with gas fridges, but they're nowhere near as chancy as some of the less expensive models I looked at.

Ultimately, we decided on a DC solar chest freezer (Sundanzer) because it kept the lowest consistent temp and because it's cheaper for us to get a dedicated solar panel and backup battery just for that than to keep feeding it propane. We have yet to get a fridge, but I'll likely go DC with that as well since they cost about the same as the gas models, but have less running costs. Anyway, that's an option you might also consider.

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