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Record(s) found: 855

61. Posted: 31 Oct 2016 23:35 - Properties / North Carolina- building permit for building a "primitive structure" needed?
    ... pretty much limits things. These kinds of local rules are administered by the judgment of the local officials, and they have a lot of leeway in how they will enforce it. I'd go into the local building department and talk to them. The existing building, if built before codes went into effect, can remain as is and be repaired and maintained without a permit...

62. Posted: 31 Oct 2016 23:20 - Cabin Construction / New Member - Am I off my rocker?
    I agree with Salty that building directly on solid rock is the best way to go. Drill into the rock and epoxy in rebar, use embedded hardware to hold the structure to the concrete. There was one poster here who buil...

63. Posted: 31 Oct 2016 19:04 - Cabin Construction / New Member - Am I off my rocker?
    There are several counties in Colorado where building permits are not needed or only septic needs inspection. Delta, Saguache are two. I see cabins on deck blocks or cinder blocks all the time in Saguache County.

64. Posted: 31 Oct 2016 18:39 - Cabin Construction / New Member - Am I off my rocker?
    We love CO and have spent much time there spread over 40 years of travel. It is a beautiful place, coveted by many. I believe every county in Colorado enforces building permits and following the building code that the state has adopted. With the varied terrain and weather in CO there cab also be large variations in...

65. Posted: 31 Oct 2016 16:59 - Properties / North Carolina- building permit for building a "primitive structure" needed?
    Per this house bill: I can build a primitive cabin/structure without it meeting building codes: GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH C AROLINA SESSION 2013 SESSION LAW 2013 - 75 HOUSE BILL 774 *H774 - v - 4* AN ACT TO EXEMPT CERTAIN PRIMITIVE ST RUCTURES FROM THE BU ILDING...

66. Posted: 30 Oct 2016 21:30 - Properties / Loop holes in Nova Scotia - Lunenberg County
    Most of your questions are probably covered by planning ordinances rather than building codes. The local zoning laws will dictate what you have to have on the property in order to have a residence there. For instance- where I am there are a lot of vacationers with trail...

67. Posted: 25 Oct 2016 09:39 - Off-Grid Living / My Genny arrived today!
    ...o through months of having photos and crap compiled and attending planning board meetings to have the lots officially joined into one parcel. OR I could simply put the septic system on one lot and my buildings and well on the other lot and pay the On-Site Department $50 to basically grant myself some sort of immediate easement and get my permits quickly. Guess which ...

68. Posted: 18 Oct 2016 18:28 - Cabin Construction / Ridge Beam =80&u=ydkg9w&crop=0 REF: On my build which the Building Inspector here thought I over built... but liked... I used that type of connector for the Ridge Board, on the Inside & Outside of my Gables I used the H1 Type of Connector. Se...

69. Posted: 13 Oct 2016 19:56 - Cabin Construction / Ridge Beam
    All the building department will tell you, at least, is to get the whole building engineered. At worst they'll bust you for construction without permits, if req...

70. Posted: 13 Oct 2016 14:46 - Cabin Construction / Ridge Beam
    ...o the local inspectors office to see what they say? That raises the question of whether or not there will be inspections made, permits bought? You should definitely ask before pursing the idea or building IF there will be permits/inspections. If you plan to build under the radar I believe you would be taking a mighty chance on something like this, if...

71. Posted: 19 Sep 2016 18:55 - Off-Grid Living / Water in an unheated cabin?
    I am going to start building my new camp very soon and one problem I have to solve is how to keep the waterline from freezing in between the long periods of time that I am not there. I am off-grid, heat with woo...

72. Posted: 14 Sep 2016 14:42 - Off Topic / Time Out From Remodeling My Son's Home in Los Alamos
    ... interest. A year or so ago I discovered there are forums for flashlight crazies. And I became one. My favorite is the BLF, budget light forum. For the past three years they have had a flashlight building contest. A machine made category that permits use of lathe and end mills, and a hand made category that does allow the use of power saws and drills, including a dril...

73. Posted: 2 Sep 2016 01:25 - Off-Grid Living / What to do about MAIL?!
    ...street and the evens are on the other side. I had spoken previously with the county clerk about getting a number assigned. Public works does it and she said they usually don't do that until the building permit is issued but they could be willing to make an exception since I need to start some preliminary things. But I obviously need to show that I own the property.

74. Posted: 29 Aug 2016 15:33 - Properties / Moving to Oregon in about 3 weeks
    upndown Thank you, upndown ! It sure will be! I had a momentary panic over the weekend. The lady from the title company sent me the preliminary documents for the land and I saw a "building restrictions" clause entered in 2010 that I hadn't encountered previously. (Or I didn't THINK I had.) So my mind was racing all weekend over what that could be. Mind ...

75. Posted: 29 Aug 2016 13:19 - Cabin Construction / Foundation. Can't go down 4ft!
    Quoting: Viperedpete1958put two mobile frames together Best to check with local building inspectors about code issues. Trying to avoid permits can cause you many problems later on. Ed, please try to start your own threads. You are bouncing around othe...

76. Posted: 22 Aug 2016 08:47 - Properties / Septic drain field -- linear feet??
    ...k. The infiltrator come in 4 foot sections and is super easy to install. Cost is about $ 22 a section or $ 5.50 per foot and the end caps and periscope are not that expensive. If Julie was building here and we were putting in a one bedroom system, we would put here system in the ground for around $ 2000, and would have about half of that in materials and the other half in ...

77. Posted: 20 Aug 2016 22:10 - Properties / Septic drain field -- linear feet?? seeing it! I'm not worrying -- just trying to visualize and get an idea of where to put the drain fields on the property and how to draw it on my application for the site plan review for the building department. It just has to be a simple sketch but indicate the number of feet of things and the setbacks, etc. What pipe would you recommend? Does cold affect how the drain field wo...

78. Posted: 19 Aug 2016 20:55 - Properties / Septic drain field -- linear feet??
    ...g the new technology product. Then the "number of bed rooms" that is used to calculate the volume of water (effluent ) entering the system, could be your local people will see what you are building ( you may need to furnish house plans) that it is truly a one bed room and not the three bedrooms the other owner was planning on building, which could be on 1/3 the...

79. Posted: 14 Aug 2016 10:29 - Off-Grid Living / Off grid beginner could use some opinions
    ...039;s not easier or more difficult to add to a particular type of foundation. A- I wouldn't go over 200sqft with a pier foundation. Some people would say no to a pier foundation for a habitable building of any size. B-A perimeter trench footing is a standard T footing that runs the whole perimeter of the building. Dimensions/depth depend on a lot of factors. Cost c...

80. Posted: 14 Aug 2016 08:34 - Properties / Does "no restrictions" on a listing really mean that ?
    ...n refer to zoning in regards to permitted uses and quite unusual in an urban area anyways... I could see a County allowing such but I can also see the potential of serious unpleasantness... Imagine building a homestead to find out the property next door is going to turn into a noisy or dirty business... It's always good to know what the zoning is around the area y...

81. Posted: 2 Aug 2016 08:29 - Off-Grid Living / How do i wire my cabin for electricity
    ...9; would take a very long time. Even a simple system needs the basic protection of conductors and grounding done correctly. As Borrego said, the utility probably won't install a meter until the building department approves the system, which means you need a permit and inspections. If you have a helpful inspector, he may be willing to take the time to educate you, bu...

82. Posted: 18 Jul 2016 08:48 - Cabin Construction / Advice for first time build
    ...oint out as you say you are looking at a 40x25 build. It costs more for a foundation & related works on average than to build upwards. Heating & Cooling are also affected by the size of the building footprint. Depending on your locality, that can also affect insurance rates, tax rates and property values as well, if those things are a consideration. How & what you build de...

83. Posted: 15 Jul 2016 23:13 - General Forum / Cottage Renovation Advice
    Ohhh you have a nice spot on the 1000 Islands there and quite premium due to desirability & location, location, location. I would suggest first in finding out what the building reg's are through the township. I think Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands is where you're at, so here's a link to their building dept. Chec...

84. Posted: 10 Jul 2016 11:39 - Properties / Is Ontario's unorganized/unicnorporated regions the best in Canada?
    ...ow on the subject, my understanding is that Ontario's unorganized/unincorporated areas are superior than any other province by two factors: -very low property tax unlike any other province -few building permits required I can't really compare all the provinces but suspect it is much like Quebec where the requirements will vary greatly depending on location and...

85. Posted: 9 Jul 2016 02:47 - Properties / Is Ontario's unorganized/unicnorporated regions the best in Canada?
    The unincorporated areas in Ontario do not require building permits, but you do need to get an environmental permit for your septic system. We are moving to an unincorporated area next month. I can't w...

86. Posted: 8 Jul 2016 15:22 - Member's Projects and Photos / Pavilion for our land and all that moved in, I'll share the final pictures. But that just meant we moved on to other projects. Like the pavilion that we been talking about for a couple of years. We put in for the building permit and it was approved a couple weeks ago. This is what we started with. It's a picture from a few years ago, before we even started on the fire-pit area....

87. Posted: 6 Jul 2016 19:36 - General Forum / Thoughts about adding a permitted "shed"
    ...#039;d have to find out! I was thinking along the lines of one of a kit or one of those nice Old Hickory types. They're lightly insulated. bldginsp I wouldn't permit it as a residence -- I'd permit it as an auxiliary building/shed. You're not allowed to have 2 residences on a parcel, which has been a HUGE bone of contention in Oregon...

88. Posted: 20 Jun 2016 10:54 - Useful Links and Resources / Everybody Loves a Top ten List, don't they?
    I've been on both sides of building codes. Since our home is 140 years old, we've had to correct issues from before codes were in place so I know their importance. However, when we put our addition on, the excel...

89. Posted: 12 Jun 2016 21:57 - General Forum / Due Diligence
    I have to admit I didn't watch the entire video. The biggest mistake the gentleman made was not contacting his local building department FIRST. As a warning to others buying existing properties...just because it's been built and occupied DOES NOT mean it is all permitted. I'm ...

90. Posted: 12 Jun 2016 19:06 - General Forum / Due Diligence
    ...fair prices are known to the locals and are booked and busy. Those who don't know who they are or who can't book them are at the mercy of everyone else, and some of them have friends in the building departments who can look the other way, which is how they stay in business. Sorry to say it but it's true. So it's a variety of factors that lead folks to do what they do ...

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