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Record(s) found: 1170

1. Posted: 30 Jan 2025 11:38am - Cabin Construction / Mixed 2x4 & 2x6 windows & doors in 1st Cabin!
    Quoting: NorthShoreSLR**Again, checking to see if anyone knows of a good resource to check my plan County Building Inspector, where you get your permits.

2. Posted: 24 Jan 2025 04:18pm - Cabin Construction / 10x16 cabin plan, I would love some expert advice
    ...u could just use blocks. Is this in Ontario? (every time I see 10x16 it seems likely). I would separate the deck and the bunkie. Do them as two different things. Once you start attaching decks to buildings a whack of regulations come into effect. Do it as landscaping as you don't need a permit for that. They often let bunkies go... but if you attach the deck i...

3. Posted: 18 Dec 2024 06:14pm - Cabin Construction / Piers built with block and rebar
    Just started building a 28x28' bunkie / dining room as an addition to our summer cabin in NB Canada. I am looking for tips on pier and beam construction. our adjacent 28x28 cabin is on pier and beam...

4. Posted: 7 Sep 2024 03:52am - Member's Projects and Photos / My New Bunkhouse
    Exterior decking is normally counted as non-habitable space and does not count to the building footprint. In every place I've built in that has been the rule; if the space is heated or cooled it is habitable. Porches, decks and garages do not count. But locals can conjure...

5. Posted: 6 Sep 2024 05:35pm - Member's Projects and Photos / My New Bunkhouse
    Hi Folks, I have 10.5 acres of recreational mountain property that is not (and won't be anytime soon) zoned for cabins. The county won't issue any kind of building permits for up there. We have used an old trailer for years to camp there but it has seen better days. I have long planned to put a shed up there to use as a bunkhou...

6. Posted: 4 Aug 2024 06:15pm - Member's Projects and Photos / Central MN cabin build
    It has been a few years since I have made an update to this building thread. I am still on this forum reading and collecting ideas fairly regularly, but I don’t often have the time to contribute to other posts. We now have a functional solar powere...

7. Posted: 26 Jul 2024 06:38pm - Cabin Construction / planning elevated 16x20
    Your county building permit office will have more accurate information than we can provide.

8. Posted: 28 Jun 2024 06:39pm - Cabin Construction / Build a cabin later on a cabin-worthy deck I build now?
    What gcrank1 said. If that 10x12 is because "no permit" is required <p to 120 sq ft, a careful reading of the rule will likely reveal the phrase "accessory building" which means the must be an approved residence built under s permit on site first. Check that. Post a link to the online source if you can.

9. Posted: 8 May 2024 01:45am - Cabin Construction / Exterior insulation only—follow up conversation
    ...price is comparable or at least in the neighborhood, and the R-value per inch I think is comparable to most other products (3.4-3.7 per inch for the exterior product), not quite as good as xps. Our building site is the kind of place that I don't see too many people wanting to ever put a house on (it's a bit steep and has a small cemetery awkwardly placed in the middle of our 1...

10. Posted: 7 May 2024 11:30pm - Cabin Construction / Exterior insulation only—follow up conversation
    Every jurisdiction I have worked in constructing structures for others has wording in the regulations that limit buildings that do not require a building permit in some ways. One very common thing is to limit the permit-free building ...

11. Posted: 22 Apr 2024 12:58pm - Properties / Recreational cabin
    Build to code with a building permit...problem solved.

12. Posted: 15 Feb 2024 07:54am - Properties / Building a cabin in Quebec
    I'll repeat what I and others have noted about all this - there are country/province building codes and then local by-laws. Quebec has some really tough rules (province wide) regarding anything near waterfront and what I would consider fairly normal building...

13. Posted: 4 Feb 2024 08:33pm - Cabin Construction / building a cabin, need help deciding on foundation
    Quoting: gcrank1 Building inspector going to be an issue? Building as a recreational cabin, no codes enforced or inspections required, other than sewage. Just got my permits ...

14. Posted: 31 Jan 2024 01:14am - Cabin Construction / Advice for a new build
    ...e we won't have water or septic for a few years, which are both required for a permit. Structures on wheels don't need a permit in this county, and we are only camping out there a weekend or 2 a month. My plan is a 10x20 building with an 8 foot back wall and 13 foot front wall with a shed-style roof. There will be a loft in the back 8 feet o...

15. Posted: 24 Jan 2024 08:38pm - Off-Grid Living / Off Grid Living - Cabin Solar Power Setup
    ...untain in West Virginia to see how much it would cost to have power hooked up. Power poles just across the road. He said do you know how the tariff system works here? I said no. He said if you get building permit, septic and water permits, it's free. If no permits, it's $7000+. Quoting: turkeyhunterwhat if you cleared ...

16. Posted: 21 Jan 2024 05:08am - Cabin Construction / Using unconventional thin lumber to build a cabin
    ...ver have any of this gargoylic shit. But I still think you can make a wall just as sturdy using more reinforcement. Think like the original WTC Twin Towers -- using thinner materials than most other buildings at the time but with more reinforcement. Quoting: ICCMost walls do not need any diagonal bracing. The anti-racking strength usually comes from 7/16" or thicker 4x8 panels pr...

17. Posted: 1 Jan 2024 11:27am - Member's Projects and Photos / Cabin projects for the New Year
    ...sters done ( an advantage to being one armed! ) Finish my lower access road and gravel it Clear down trees.... ~ 5 aspen trees, maybe cut/remove 2 more dead aspens. Hopefully... build a small pole building <200sqft to slip under county permit requirements to house the JD1025R/ attachments, Tracker tracks and the snowmobile. Maybe... replace the square beams (prim...

18. Posted: 17 Oct 2023 07:01pm - Cabin Construction / Wondering if We Should Start Over
    Quoting: gcrank1we can 'build' the new with the old one in place then tear it down. All I have to do is pick out what we want to do, show him what it is and get the building permit. This sounds like the best option. Can you keep the current cabin and use it as a shed or something later? What kind of cabin are you shopping for?

19. Posted: 17 Oct 2023 03:40pm - Cabin Construction / Wondering if We Should Start Over
    ...a hunting/fishing/recreational place and we can 'build' the new with the old one in place then tear it down. All I have to do is pick out what we want to do, show him what it is and get the building permit. Now to shop

20. Posted: 3 Oct 2023 09:57am - Cabin Construction / Floor Joists: to pressure treat or to not.
    ...ion. They sent me a map of my property that highlights where the "wetlands" are via satellite. My shed is far from these and they signed off on it and therefore I only had to go through the building inspector. Sent him a $35 check and my drawings and he mailed me my permit. I'm in the process of applying for permit to put a small ATV...

21. Posted: 29 Sep 2023 07:36pm - Cabin Construction / Wondering if We Should Start Over
    ... cabin. Wife is encouraged that Im even considering an 'alternative structure' (thats a good thing) and Ive got a course of action in mind. Next step is to talk to the township assessor and building permit guys about the 'what if' I replace this poor build shack with a comparable sized better built building. This one may have been ...

22. Posted: 12 Sep 2023 07:45pm - Properties / Ontario 10/16 square m exemption trick?
    With the latest Ontario 10 sq m building permit exemption rising to 16 sq m. I am always suspicious when the rationale behind the change is not mentioned. Before, about the only exemption was 'no plu...

23. Posted: 15 Jun 2023 05:37pm - Cabin Construction / 14x14 Rafter question
    ...l trailer. Again, I will state I am not an engineer. Temporary posts may very well be a good idea, but I do wonder about creating point loads on a ceiling or floor joist. When I was still actively building with my brothers' company if we couldn't just pull a solution from the written code or the tables in the IRC or by using the AWC calculators we would ask the engineer who w...

24. Posted: 20 May 2023 04:25pm - Member's Projects and Photos / 10ac in central NY
    It's been a few years in the making but we finaly have a building permit and recently poured 15 sono tubes.

25. Posted: 12 May 2023 09:04pm - Cabin Construction / A-Frame (14'x20') - Ridge Board Cutting?
    A rafter load example. Building width = 16 feet Roof load = 15 PSF DL + 20 PSF (LL) = 35 PSF total ...(where DL = Dead Load (materials), LL = Live Load (snow load and equipment on roof, 20 PSF minimum) Rafters on ...

26. Posted: 25 Apr 2023 11:59am - Cabin Construction / New guy here with some questions about SIP panel construction.
    Make your own plans. I started with a tape measure and free floor plan creator app on my phone. I just got my plans approved and building permit granted last week for our 20x32' with stand up loft.

27. Posted: 13 Apr 2023 07:44am - Properties / Ontario updates 108sqft to 161sqft
    This sounds great, but the "accessory buildings" part gives me some pause. So far the only official bit I can find is at, namely: 28. Article of Division C of the Regul...

28. Posted: 1 Apr 2023 05:00pm - Properties / Ontario updates 108sqft to 161sqft
    I do see a lot of Ontario folks posting in here. Just saw the max size for no building permit went from 108 to 161sqft, or 15sq meters. Just in case anyone in Ontario is looking at building a bunkie, this change was not long ago.

29. Posted: 19 Feb 2023 02:14pm - Cabin Construction / Re leveling my cabin
    ... finish. I do not own this but it is part of my pay for my work on ranch. I kept getting told it will be easy to level and that will fix it, but I have been having doubts that it will. No there is no building permit and it has been a guessing game as to where the electric water and sewer lines all are that come to this house, nothing was marked, it is turning from a cute ...

30. Posted: 19 Feb 2023 12:57pm - Cabin Construction / Re leveling my cabin
    ...ks not used? Blocks sinking opening metal roof to rain. I don't think this place is fixable. Kim, find another place to live. This place needs to be torn down. I bet it was built with no building permit.

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