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# Posted: 26 Aug 2021 06:58pm
Quoting: optimistic Fanman - who do you donate the meat to?
I haven't, myself, as my family has always been able to use everything I've harvested. But "Hunters for the Hungry" is one organization that collects game meat and distributes it to those in need. Some hunters also donate to local soup kitchens, etc.
SE Ohio
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 06:41pm - Edited by: SE Ohio
I picked up deer hunting a few years back, somewhat unusual as my father didn’t hunt. A work pal helped me get started.
Shot my first deer by accident! I was drawing a bead on him at range, waiting for doe to get in range. Hair trigger… My kit Hawkins .45 muzzleloader was better than I thought, cause doe went down after running a few feet (I was sure I missed!)
My family prefers venison over ground beef for tacos, Shepard’s pie, stew, etc. Lean, no grease to drain off.
Have not needed to donate a deer yet, always make freezer room. If you are thinking of hunting to donate the meat, call the participating processor first as they are sometimes to busy with paying customers. Website https://www.fhfh.org/
SE Ohio
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:03pm
As I recall our average mature Wisconsin Whitetail butchers out boned to about 35# of nicely trimmed meat. A big doe is preferable for eating over a big,old buck, and as the old timers say, antler makes poor soup. Young deer of either sex is good eating but the smaller they get the less meat, it isnt just proportionately less. Note that even 35# of nicely packaged meat doesnt take up much room in a freezer. The two of us could eat 'our' corn-fed meat most of the year on 2-3 deer. Not eating what I kill bothers me. Btw, a mid-sized Woodchuck is pretty good eating, better than Squirrel and one 'Chuck goes a lot farther.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:26pm
Quoting: gcrank1 better than Squirrel
Well I’ll have to try that since squirrel is my favourite wild game
# Posted: 29 Sep 2021 03:32pm
Hey I hunted yesterday, sort of!
A buck has been traveling through my yard at night. I'm not a hunter but my neighbor and pal is avid, and has been keen to get this guy. So he's been putting apples, alfalfa and stuff out, and last night I sat with him until a little after 7pm in my yard. Nothing. I guess the season ends in a couple days, and you can't hunt after dark. So he left, I turned the camera on and headed up to the cabin. Sure enough, 7:25, there it is.
My pal is coming back tonight. I may not go down again, my back is sore from working the rock pile. He uses 'Roberts 257 bullets' some old fashion bullets he likes. Greek to me, but if he gets it I'll help gut it and get some of the meat. Wish us luck. PICT0875_20210928104.jpg
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# Posted: 29 Sep 2021 05:03pm
Putting bait out is hardly hunting and by that deer's actions you wont get a crack at him.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2021 08:38am
Quoting: Brettny Putting bait out is hardly hunting and by that deer's actions you wont get a crack at him.
If it’s legal per the hunting regs then yes it’s hunting. It might not be your choice to do so but many do. I bear hunt over bait as it gives you a chance to ensure it’s a solo bear with no Cubs before deciding to take a shot and despite what people think baiting is very far from a sure thing
To each their own but no need to bash others for their choices
# Posted: 30 Sep 2021 09:59am
Well like I said I'm just a bystander. I do fish, and I use bait.
I had my days mixed up, he couldn't make it last night (my neighbor, not the deer, it was here at 8 pm). He's coming over tonight but I'll be back in the city.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2021 10:21am
Quoting: paulz Oh man, with you there brother. My old VW pickup was great, it would lock up just one rear wheel when I hit the brakes hard, made a huge screech. Had belly laughs watching those guys dive for the gutter.
Not sure how the post on respectful hunting shifted to threats against your fellow citizens. Not funny. We’re all people out here. My wife and I have been riding (and driving)for decades, so I’ve seen my share of this. 6 cyclists run over by a teen trying to “roll coalâ€, guess he thought it funny. https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2021/09/27/6-cyclist-recovering-after-being- hit-by-truck-in-waller-county/
Way too easy to get behind the wheel and think of every one else as “not people “.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2021 11:29am - Edited by: paulz
Well since you quoted me I will respond. Look at the post above mine and you will see how it got shifted.
Several years ago a very good friend of mine (I repaired his motorcycle so his widow could sell it) was run over by a car veering into oncoming traffic to get around a group of bicyclists.
It's a fact of life for those of us who live in areas frequented by recreational bicyclists. Either you crawl along at their speed, horns honking behind you, or veer into oncoming traffic to pass. I can't count the number of times I've come around a corner only having to swerve, in my own lane, to avoid a car or truck coming at me in my lane passing bicyclists.
I grew up loving bicycles, Schwinn stingray under the Christmas tree, hopped up 10 speeds, even rode off road up until a few years ago (I get my workouts now working my land). But I have grown to despise them, honestly, as throngs of arrogant spandex wearing city dwellers pass by my property every day, cars stacked up behind. Yes, I know it's their right to be there getting their recreation, however we 'fellow citizens' have the right to do many things that aren't really 'right'.
There are of course polite ones who ride single file and do their best, but on a 10 foot lane, a 6' truck or 8' trailer you get an earful if you don't cross the double yellow. It's just not a good situation. I actually have to schedule using my trailer to times when bicycle traffic is at a minimum. I've often wondered how these people can enjoy themselves knowing they are blocking traffic and causing themselves and motorists danger. Particularly since here we have loads of fantastic off road trails. They have to shower afterwards anyway.
I'm happy to discuss it further on a new thread.
# Posted: 30 Sep 2021 01:17pm
Many of the toxins that have been found in wildlife come from naturally accuring substances. Arsenic, mercury n such all come from the earth. And find there way into wildlife such as when they eat plants. That have roots that absorb the minerals. Natural salt lacks. And yes human interactions lead to contamination. But to assume that all the toxins as they are referred to come from human interactions I feel is not accurate. Also the level of toxins is important. For me harvesting a moose or a Wi whitetail, I'll take the wild stuff. We tend to hear about the jerks, same folks who park wherever they want. Their just in the woods. But by far most outdoors folks are responsible n respectful. Who dispise those jerks too. You may want to consider joining any local fish n game clubs. Best way to learn is to go. And pellet guns are nice. I can practice safely from my back porch too.
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