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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Someone trespassed my property!
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# Posted: 11 Sep 2021 20:45 - Edited by: optimistic

I have 16 acres in the Catskills NY. My 12x12 is about 1500 ft from the road. You can't see it from the road.. You need to drive in deep mud to get to it. I have it for 8 years.

About 6 years ago someone stole a cheap chainsaw and axe. That's it. It's the only other time I know someone trespassed

About two months ago I installed a camera. It records movement and when I get back - I watch it. I don't have power here.

To my shock I see this guy. Looking around my cabin for 4 minutes. Didn't take anything. Took his time looking all around

I'm shocked.

Any ideas what I should do?

# Posted: 11 Sep 2021 21:42

Don't take the first offer.
You can secure only so much. Camera's are great. Might be a new neighbor?

# Posted: 11 Sep 2021 22:37

Add a sign, available online, 'Smile, You're on Camera'

# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 01:08

Set up trail cams on the access road. I got a bunch of tasco cams from Wally world. Loaded them up with high storage sd cards. Surprisingly the cheap cams have a quick trip, 3 pic setting. And they are quick and clear enough, to be able to read license plates. Every time.

# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 11:14 - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech

Well, you may have had a walker, explorer, maybe a hunter. If he walked through and didnt touch or disturb anything, be thankful. If I was walking through the woods and stumbled upon a cabin, I may look, not touch anything and then move on. So it appears you had a respectful trespasser, unlike prior.

My cabin acreage is fully fenced, barbed wire plus some gates. Gates are easy to climb over, so I dont get any walkers. I did have a hunter, knew it because I was keeping 3 horses for a neighbor who lost his pasture and fence to fire and we would find cigarette butts in the stock tanks. Aside from that, didnt touch a single thing, if he picked up his butts, I would of never known he was there. I dont mind those guys, I will not advertise they are welcome, but never have an issue with a person who leaves no trace.

SE Ohio
# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 18:27

I recommend you DON’T advertise that you have cameras. If someone looks for and finds your cameras, you’re out some money. Signs also could encourage mask wearing. Keep the advantage of surprise.

Consider sharing your photos with law enforcement. Might be a known thief on probation/parole.

Without signs, I’ve had several game cameras stolen. I have them up high, so my thief is a climber…

SE Ohio

# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 18:31

Thanks for the advise. He does look like a thief walking in the woods in jeans. Carefully checking around that no one is there. I have a pretty good view of him with my camera.

but he didn't take anything. could have easily picked up my cheap chainsaw or my dewalt 20v trimmer.

My camera also has a siren and voice option.

I am hoping to set up my solar system soon and then I will be able to turn on the siren and yell at them.. But the speaker is kind of weak.

Very annoying this whole thing. I always felt like it was never visited and this was a shocker.

# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 21:02

Well, now that youve been 'cased'......

# Posted: 12 Sep 2021 21:10

Really felt like that. It was on the 21st... And my camera died of course on September 1st... It lasted 8 weeks but of course the one week I delay my trip and it died.

So I know he hasn't came over at least between 21 and 1st.

I'll check camera now every time I go to see

# Posted: 13 Sep 2021 08:06

First document the date and time, and save the pics somewhere they are handy. You never know when you need to get them quickly.

Second now would be a good time to meet your closest neighbors if you haven't already. Knock on the door, introduce yourself, ask if maybe they know if this person is another person who is in the area.

That's a friendly way of getting the word out that either "you're watching" or you're a good neighbor giving another neighbor a heads up.

Other than that, get more cameras. Have some that are very obvious (like installed on the front door obvious) that will distract an actual thief from other cameras nearby they can't see and will end up leaving behind.

# Posted: 14 Sep 2021 12:56

Yup you have been "cased" 2x now. Time to get a few more cameras and start trying to get his licence plate number. Do you have the phone numbers of anyone else on your road? Talk to them.

Like Darnz said those cheap walmart tasco cameras work very well. Paired with lithium AA batteries I set one one at the end of Dec and it lasted until the snow melted just south of Utica.
Also if you have any type of cell service a cell trail camera cost less than replacing a cheap chai saw and a trimmer.

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