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# Posted: 2 May 2022 06:55pm
I know many of you shop garage/estate sales, but I'm wondering how many of you all participate in auctions?
I have gotten some real steals at auctions. Tractors, landscaping equipment, lumber, ATVs, ect.. My most recent buy was a big pile of Teck 90 electrical cable. All different gauges (2, 4, 8, 12 and 14). I now have enough cable to wire up my cabin at WAY less than it would have cost new. The extra I will sell.
Anyway.. I thought I would pass it on as auctions can be a great way to get some stuff for the cabin at a pretty big discount!
# Posted: 2 May 2022 07:48pm
Im sure you are right. I base that on the results of the 'estate sale' at my folks and the prices we got for most of my dad's workshop stuff. If I had been paying attention I would have never let them sell the Lincoln welder for $20, and that is just one example . I have been to a few, mostly the stuff I was interested in was too active and went too high. Well, higher than the top I had set for my buy. Dont get caught up in a frenzy.
# Posted: 2 May 2022 09:14pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Well, higher than the top I had set for my buy. Dont get caught up in a frenzy.
I only bid on timed online auctions and always have a maximum I will pay. I never bid over it. That is the key to auctions. Take the emotions out and don't look at it as "losing"!
# Posted: 3 May 2022 09:36am - Edited by: paulz
I participate daily. Known as Ebay. 
There a couple of auction companies in my area that do combined in person/online auctions, mostly industrial business liquidations. I have never been to one in person but the online results I've looked at are usually above what I consider 'good deals'. I think it probably depends on where you and they located. A lot of competition in a populated area, but with everything on pallets or larger there's shipping costs involved if you aren't there to get it.
I did attend the estate sale of a car collector a few years ago and got two Ford flathead engines, one freshly rebuilt, on pallets, cheap, couple hundred bucks each. Again costs more to ship than that and the in person buyers had already bought pallets of stuff.
Craigslist worked well for me when building my cabin, so much left over building materials left at jobs that the owners didn't want. Doors, windows, lumber, roofing.. you name it. But again I'm close enough to a metro area I can go pick it up.
# Posted: 3 May 2022 10:46am
There is one auction house here. All the stiff sells for near retail after buyers fees...then theres the one day pickup. I just buy from a retail store now.