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Small Cabin Forum / General Forum / Jotul Froya
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# Posted: 28 Nov 2023 00:38

I've been putting this off for awhile but I have to have it. There are cheaper ones but this is made from Corten steel (same as shipping containers). $625.00

Maybe I can burn leaves in it without drawing attention from the HOA. Question, can you put the ashes on your lawn, flower beds, or in the garden? Does it help or provide any benefit?

# Posted: 28 Nov 2023 09:22 - Edited by: ICC

Ashes are alkaline. They can be beneficial to add to soil that is too acid. However, too much of a change can be detrimental. Composting is the better solution and is great for adding to garden soil.

I think the smoke could cause issues with the HOA?


# Posted: 28 Nov 2023 10:49

We bought a cast iron chiminea a few years ago (a couple hundred at a 'garden place' in the fall clearance), it is rather nice of certain evenings out on the deck. I wouldnt want to try to burn a bunch of leaves or even paper waste, the flying ash out the stack would be a fire hazard.

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