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# Posted: 23 May 2016 12:51pm
I've been reading the great thread below about improving security but wanted to create a secondary thread limited to actual breakins and what EXACTLY gets stolen from small cabins.
I think it would be helpful in thinking about what to practically hide, take home, get fake/used "bait" items for vs. Just leave for the theives.
The generic answer of course is, anything and everything that isn't, or is, nailed down. That's not very helpful though.
NOTE - The much more important prevention and experience thread is here: Breakins/cabin security http://www.small-cabin.com/forum/1_75_0.html
# Posted: 23 May 2016 01:47pm
so far tv , canoe , tools , jar of change , warning sign , paddles , pellet gun , beaver pelt . food , I never lock the door , no one has ever broken anything or cased any damage to the camp
# Posted: 23 May 2016 06:00pm
In nine years, only pistachios stolen by a squirrel.
# Posted: 23 May 2016 08:21pm
Only thing stolen over the years was a canoe
# Posted: 23 May 2016 08:28pm
Had a art deco kitchen table and chairs, antique corn popper and a machete stolen about 20 years ago. They left the booze, boombox and crappy tv. Funny story is I told a couple Im friendly with to spend a couple of days there if they wanted. I told them where I hid the key. When they got home they told me the door was already Cracked open when they got there. So they just walked right in . WHHHATTTT
# Posted: 23 May 2016 09:14pm
They took all my tools and generator. They left my ladder and all the shovels etc...I am sure those tools require too much work and usually criminals are lazy. I am sure they will be back and take more stuff. When the cabin is done the only thing they will get will be a cpl cheap sleeping bags, some old pots and pans etc...if you roll up in their neighborhood to buy my stuff, it will be like a garage sale lol. Hopefully, the 25 bucks they will make off me will be worth what they could actually get charged with.
# Posted: 24 May 2016 12:52am
They took our water pump and the plug to the water tower.
# Posted: 24 May 2016 05:50pm
One winter my canoe kept blowing off the stand. One time it got 1/2 way across the yard. Which was odd, as it was a rebuild that weighed around 200 lbs. 
At the camp. I had solar panels stolen. Some tools. Minor vandalism. Until I had a loud discussion with my neighbor. Quiet since then.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:29am - Edited by: paulz
At my city house I have a utility trailer with a large, empty, unlocked tool box in front. It sits in the driveway, just a few feet from the sidewalk. There has been a rash of tool thefts out of trucks lately, sometimes they steel the whole truck just for the tools.
So yesterday I notice the lid open, for about the third time in a couple years, who knows how many times it's been opened and shut. Doesn't really bother me, but I started thinking maybe I would put something inside, like a sign saying 'Thanks for your photo' or some such. Then I began thinking more sinister like, maybe an old dead power tool with dog shit on the handle. Or maybe tar, or glue, or dye. Or wire it to 110v. Or to a horn. How about a bear trap covered in leaves? That would probably get me sued.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2022 08:42am
Being water-access has some benefits - no issues for anyone near me in the 5 yrs we've been here.
Now we did look at another place on Oxtongue lake, at the edge of Algonquin park. When we arrived (via canoe with the real estate agent and I paddling, wife lounging in middle!), I was shocked to see security cameras, and big signs in the windows -"No alcohol or electronics inside - property is monitored 24/7!!". Even though that property was water-access, it was a relatively short hike/ATV ride on trails from a nearby road. I suppose the vandals were coming in that way. We had no interest in dealing with those issues, and walked away from that one.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2022 09:26am
I have lost a canoe but it was at the landing ,and the drunken fool 2doors down stole the keys out of my old farm tractor .
# Posted: 2 May 2022 09:36am
We had a new chop saw stolen. Place beside us had 3-4 tools taken. Idot came back to get more but owner was there and caught him and held at gun point till cops got there. He got bonded out and is still out but now also has a warrant because he did not appear for court.
Meth- it does a body good...
# Posted: 2 May 2022 10:07am
To date..so far nothing (knock on wood) granted we are on a season rd that dosnt take you any where and all our stuff isnt in eye site of the road. We also have a gate that's locked.
Having your neighbors phone numbers along with checking on there place so they will check on yours also helps.
# Posted: 2 May 2022 05:42pm
We haven't had any trouble ourselves, but a few years before we got our first cabin there were a bunch of cabin break-ins in the area. It was known there was a drifter living in the woods in the area; he tended to steal mostly flashlights, batteries, and liquor. It ended around the same time as some hikers found his body in the woods (natural causes or he froze to death, I forget the details).
SE Ohio
# Posted: 5 May 2022 04:33pm
You might consider the little party favors that have a pull string and tiny explosive charge to propel streamers? A few of those tied to something inside and then to the lid. When they open the cover more than a few inches, BANG!!! Maybe load them with glitter, too 
Simple, easy and cheap...
SE Ohio
SE Ohio
# Posted: 5 May 2022 04:39pm
I've posted most of my losses in the Break-ins-security thread. I've had some other stuff disappear, too. I had a beat up .22 spinner target stolen, and a few solar lamps that I think someone thought had built-in cameras. When I was leaving my place unlocked, I lost a portable radio, and a Coleman oven that sits over a burner, and a cheap inverter. I now keep cabin locked and have a cell based alarm. Had a locked-up bike (outside) with flat tires stolen, lock was cut. Now I lock the bikes but keep the front wheels locked indoors.
SE Ohio