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# Posted: 29 Mar 2020 05:50pm
Put my gun rack and shelf in cabin last weekend
# Posted: 29 Mar 2020 07:11pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Back to the cabin to hunker down... 10 hours behind the wheel... pulling our Tracker and loaded down, the campervan and the Tracker were both loaded to the gills. Wife drove our Dakota... also loaded, pulling a trailer with some plywood and 12 solar panels, 6 for use 6 for a neighbor. Tired............ beer in hand!
# Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:55am
I built a bat house to go up at the cottage when ever I manage to get there.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2020 02:36pm
Nice work Fish. I don't do any fine woodwork, so when my pal remodeled his cabin kitchen he took this out and offered it to me last week. Hung it proudly in my cabin.
# Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:52pm
Fired up my wife's chainsaw.... scored it from a guy in AZ for $45.... it's a 16" bar Homelite so not a great saw but he had ran it only one day to clear some shrubs and trim some tree limbs, looks like new other than he had rocked the crap out of the chain... Anyway.... gotta do a little tuning on it. It ran great at 5,000' in AZ but here at 9,500' it needs a little adjusting, runs but terrible trigger response and wants to die at idle.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2020 12:13am
Quoting: Nobadays Fired up my wife's chainsaw.... scored it from a guy in AZ for $45 Chainsaw for the wife........$45 Wife that will use the chainsaw.......Priceless!$$$$$$ 🙌
# Posted: 1 Apr 2020 09:02am
Winner winner chicken dinner! Yep she is!
# Posted: 1 Apr 2020 09:55am
i just asked my wife if she wanted me to get her a chainsaw. I was disappointed to hear the answer, NO!
# Posted: 1 Apr 2020 07:41pm
I contacted yet another prefab cabin company and submitted our plans. This virus gong show has really put us behind and no chance of a build now until 2021.
# Posted: 1 Apr 2020 07:43pm
Quoting: mj1angier Put my gun rack and shelf in cabin last weekend
Looks great! My son made me one, just need a place to hang it lol
# Posted: 2 Apr 2020 10:25am
Going to trim some broken limbs , around the yard. Then roll the lawn. Checked my bee hives yesterday, the girls were mostly happy. Glad to see them flying again. old243
# Posted: 3 Apr 2020 01:50pm
I'm in the process of building a new, bigger, cabin. Weather in March and April is generally nice and I thought I'd make good progress. Not so much this year as we've gotten more snow then I've seen in a long time.
Buried under the tarp behind me is a stack of timbers for the build. I dug snow until my back said, "enough!"
# Posted: 4 Apr 2020 06:17pm
That's more snow than I've seen in my entire life!
I shoveled a truckload of dirt today. Still trying to use up all those free pavers I got last year. I put some down on the side of my house in the ghetto in place of the rock I was parking on. That side is done, excavating the other side now.
Other project away from the cabin is my old 1938 hot rod pickup. I painted it in January, got a back bumper on it last week and the back window in yesterday. 0323200850_HDR_resiz.jpg
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# Posted: 4 Apr 2020 06:36pm
Nice truck!
# Posted: 5 Apr 2020 03:22pm
Got the beadboard on the front of the loft eave storage/headboard. I was going to build it up to the ceiling but my wife wanted it flat on top. It will act as a headboard for our bed and a bookshelf.... probably a catch all. Hopefully the end of the week we can get into town and get the plywood for the top and some Aspen T&G for the end to match the wall below... got food but unfortunately we need propane and the mail so gotta go to town anyway.
# Posted: 6 Apr 2020 11:22am - Edited by: paulz
Looks nice Nob.
Sheesh, I got yet another generator! Neighbor texted me "Hey, you want a diesel generator? I think it works but we lost the key". Me, "Uh, sure".
Didn't take long to pull the switch and defeat the tumbler, screwdriver start now. Needed a new battery, changed the fluids. Runs great, pretty quiet for a diesel.
My first diesel genny. 6.5kw
# Posted: 7 Apr 2020 06:43pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Nice Paulz!
Finaly able to haul water to our cistern! So, I did a little job I've been planning since moving the generator last year to it's new shack. When I built the "freeze resistant " pump house last year and buried the water line, I ran conduit for the generator and conduit for 120vac to the pump house. The Shurflo pump has been run with its own... inadequate... solar panel, SCC and a 12vdc deep cycle battery.
I bought a 120vac to 12vdc converter, (only burns .08 amp at idel) (This one) and actually have used it up to a week ago to run a second Shurflo pump to move water up to our winter tank in the loft. So now I mounted it in the pump house to power the cabin pressure water system. Put it on a piece of plywood with an outlet box.... but of course I had no receptacles here at the cabin... so temporarily wired in an extension cord end so I could power it up. Put a Kil-O-Watt meter in line so I can get a better handle on what the pump draws over a period of time. Still have to take the wires which I will do after I get a receptical to put in the box. The idea is to be able to use a heat tape as well to extend our pressure water season. Pics a little bright...
# Posted: 11 Apr 2020 06:07pm
Roto tilled, screeded and tamped a new parking spot to lay pavers on.
Question: I have two different weed barriers I can lay down first before the sand. One is a plastic geotextile type, the other is more of a fabric, maybe you can tell by the photos. What are differences/advantages of each? 0411201320_HDR.jpg
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# Posted: 12 Apr 2020 09:19am
I spent the day servicing my ATV and chasing an electrical problem that was causing my cooling fan to not come on sometimes. "sometime" electrical problems are a royal pain in the a$$. Finally chased it down to a faulty relay. I think anyway. Unfortunately with the current state of the world getting parts is a very slow process right now so will be a while before I confirm.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2020 05:51pm
Laid down 200sf of pavers at my place in the ghetto. I had rock there, as on the sides, had my car trailer parked there. City came along and cited me, and everyone else. All parking must be on concrete or asphalt. Luckily I have all those free pavers, only cost me for sand and ibuprofen. 0411201303_HDR_resiz.jpg
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# Posted: 28 Apr 2020 12:24pm - Edited by: paulz
Yesterday I filled my water tank...after draining it completely and mopping a bunch of gunk off the bottom. Yuck. From my well I run it through a pool filter filled with sand. Maybe I need something better but I'd guess most tanks look that way on the bottom. This is only my third time filling it in two years, still a hodge podge of garden hose hooukups but it works.
I also put up a piece of plastic fence I had laying around as a first attempt to stop critters from coming though the woods and tripping my camera at night. They can still get around but hopefully out of camera range. No critter pics last night..
Today, back in the burbs, made my second Corona Cruise over to Costco. Wife needed her meds and I needed something besides Spamaroni. This time I went during the 8-9am Senior Hour. Maybe it was safer, everybody masked, but what a chore. I'm a senior but I still move pretty quickly, especially in places I don't want to be in, like Costco. And I have my list prepared. Senior hour at Costco moves at the speed of mud. I actually got stuck behind a lady at the peanut butter section trying to make up her mind between creamy and chunky! Come on, your 70, and you don't know by now? Maybe it's the dentures. I guess I view this like a must do mission, not a get out of the house browsing opportunity. So I'm partly to blame..Rant over..
# Posted: 28 Apr 2020 06:07pm
Finished a path down to the new leveled pad... that was also finished today.... where we are putting up a 10' x 10' greenhouse. It is actually one of the HF temporary canvas covered/pipe framed structures. We have ordered greenhouse plastic sheeting and will frame in a door as well as framing in the opposite end. Some PT plywood will go on each side to strengthen as well as the ends. We also put a screw in each one of the pipe joints that were not bolted.
The 12' x 14' level pad took two days for two guys. I had brought back 6, 250 watt solar panels that these other guys needed so they traded me labor for the panels. Worked out well as leveling, compacting a pad on our hillside was a big project!
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 12:09am
We split and stacked wood. 
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 07:59am
I'm finally getting to the interior finishing of my cabin. Last trip I installed pine ship lap on the interior. I spent the last few days building some interior doors. One for the bedroom and a sliding barn door for over our pantry. I'll do the final glue up of the bedroom door tonight. I'm happy with how they're turning out. Kitchen Shiplap
|  Pantry Door Sanding
|  Pantry Door Final
|  Bedroom Door Assembly
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 09:33am
Spent some time in the shop, building and painting honey boxes. The girls will soon be flying, just need some decent weather and some blossoms. Took my atv to the bush, notice our leeks are coming up. not big enough to dig yet. old243
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 02:03pm
Dug out a new terrace below where the greenhouse will set and placed our 3 cold frames on it. Too much work for an old man and woman! 
# Posted: 29 Apr 2020 06:14pm
Drove into the city for the Costco senors hour. Short line to get in. I got everything that was on my list. They even had their brand of TP and paper towels, but I didn't need any.
# Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:35pm
Looking good Kel Nowadays that looks like a lot of work
Mrs fishie and I made a 12’ long picnic table out of one of the beetle killed pines we had last year. Cut it in the winter so it fell on the frozen lake. Finished up last week
Also put up my bat house and duck nesting tube 4283102135EA46628.jpeg
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# Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:32pm
Nice table!
# Posted: 1 May 2020 07:26pm
Nice table Fish! That's on my to do list too.
I spent yesterday pushing dirt like Nobad. Only I got to use my tractors, first time this year, after an hour of pick and shovel.
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