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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Vinyl siding...looking for tips
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# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 13:54

I need to get siding on the cabin before snow flies. Based on budget and what i think will look the best is going to be vinyl siding. Now i've done some vinyl siding removal on houses to replace a door or window, but never anything from scratch. I plan to pick up a few tools to simplify life like a j channel cutter and a snap lock punch.

Just wondering if anyone has any other tips or tricks, videos, etc. that ya'll would recommend?

The one question specifically that i do have is, i know you are not supposed to drive the nails tight to allow the siding to move. But is it critical to nail on the studs of the wall or is nailing into the plywood sheathing sufficient?

Nate R
# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 14:17 - Edited by: Nate R

Heh, I wasn't planning to, but now I'm told I MUST get my exterior done before the end of November, or my insurance won't renew. So I'll be doing siding, too. :-P

Depends on who you ask, I think some do it both ways..but seems most who really care about long term nail to the studs for vinyl.

This video is a decent one:

Also "TheSidingGuy" on Instagram... he also sells 3D printed tips for a Dewalt nail gun for vinyl siding install.

# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 14:34

I like this fella.. Knowledgeable but just seems like an average Joe..

Start at the 20 min mark (he is working on old house problems for the first 20 min)

# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 20:59 - Edited by: gcrank1

We've had our house vinyl sided twice in 35ish years (1st product faded badly, a 'cedar look', and we got a warantee replacement inc labor! And did not have to go with the orig color ).
1st time they 'smoothed' the old clapboard siding with a thin styro; no way they were going to find studs to nail to. Even my back of garage add-on garden shed with exposed osb was just nailed on wherever.
The application has been fine and the second color, a dark green, has held up too.

# Posted: 31 Aug 2022 23:52

Quoting: gcrank1
The application has been fine and the second color, a dark green, has held up too.

Yup, there are 1000s and 1000s of new construction houses where the siding is nailed to just the OSB (including my house). Never had an issue in the 10 years we have lived here. Its called "hanging siding" for a reason. You are literally just hanging the siding on the nails (ensure they are not sunk ). A nail every 16 inches through OSB/plywood.. Imagine how many nails that is and how much they could support, even just nailed through the OSB/Plywood.

You could make and effort to try and nail to a stud, but I think that is just wasted effort. You won't have problems nailing just to the sheathing and it will be a hell of a lot easier.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2022 05:54

I have put vinyl siding on new construction and old construction. If you dont have acess to a siding brake theres really no proper way to waterproof around doors. This is me assuming you have new construction with J channel windows. If you have OSB you need to nail into the stud. OSB dosnt hold a nail verry well at all.

A crappy siding job from the previous owner completely destroyed my back porch.

Nate R
# Posted: 1 Sep 2022 08:02

Also, check out the manual from the Vinyl Siding Institute....they have a lot of instructions about the industry-agreed ways to do things.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2022 11:49

Quoting: Nate R
Also "TheSidingGuy" on Instagram...

I don't know anything about vinyl siding, but social media pushes this guys videos my way and he seems to be quite legit. Has lots of tips and tricks within his videos.

# Posted: 3 Sep 2022 19:30

It burns super well, any chance of a forest fire in your area?
I have never been a fan of vinyl siding. But its just me. Seen a house burn with it, man, does it burn. Ugliest black smoke you ever saw too.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 4 Sep 2022 11:29

I would avoid the vinyl if possible. It always ends up looking cheap and the flashing and trim options suck. There are some interesting composite products out now like these. I recently saw the ash siding go up on a house and it looked good. It’s also fire proof and also doesn’t expand and contract.

# Posted: 5 Sep 2022 08:07

Quoting: Irrigation Guy
and the flashing and trim options suck.

This is why you really need a siding brake to do a good siding job.

I just put a new door in my vinyl sided house and flashed the door jam with coil stock. I didnt use a single nail to hold it on and its waterproof with no bits and pieces to paint.

Nate R
# Posted: 5 Sep 2022 10:13

Quoting: Irrigation Guy
I recently saw the ash siding go up on a house and it looked good. It’s also fire proof and also doesn’t expand and contract.

This is true, but the siding product is difficult to get here in the midwest, and it's NOT cheap.

I used TrueExterior trim on my main house, combined with vinyl siding. I'll be doing it again on the cabin. I had to special order the batch of trim from a supplier, pay extra for truck shipping, etc.

1x4 Boral board was about $2.50/linear foot this year.

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