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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Rough cut 2x8s with chinking for exterior??
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# Posted: 24 Nov 2022 19:46

I have an excess of pine logs that need to be milked ASAP. My plan was to cut everything into 2x8s and remove the old metal siding on my house. Double tyvek house wrap, and then use the rough cut 2x8s as log siding with 1.5 inch gaps with chinking in between
Just wanting some input and advice. I plan on staining the log siding before chinking

# Posted: 24 Nov 2022 20:50

Are you talking about a traditional mortar or a modern caulk-like chinking? We did the chinking on my place this summer. At .5 inch gaps it was a fairly tedious, at times messy, lengthy project. I wouldn't expect 1.5 inch gaps to go quickly.

If you're using a caulk-like chinking you're going to need to use backer rod in those gaps and I'm not even sure you can fit in a 1.5 inch backer rod if your timbers are only 2 inches thick.

You might be able to make your life easier by chamfering off the corners of the timbers, spacing them a bunch closer and then filling the chamfered spot with chinking as well. That would give you a wider gap "look" without some of the wider gap pains.

Irrigation Guy
# Posted: 25 Nov 2022 09:03

Why not put them up vertical with no gap an put battens over the seams?

# Posted: 25 Nov 2022 09:28

For siding even 1in boards will be fine.

# Posted: 28 Nov 2022 11:38


# Posted: 28 Nov 2022 18:46

I want it to have the log cabin look with chinking. I’ll trim out the corners with boards stained the same color.

Great idea about narrowing the gaps and chamfering the edges.
I had planned on filling the majority of the gap with foam strips cut from insulation panels.
I found fasteners that will countersink when I attach to the studs. Just nervous about using rough cut wood and the weather, etc. My plan is to have a wrap around porch so it won’t be directly exposed to rain or sun
I’ve only seen very few people do this with real wood. Especially pine but I’m gonna give it a shot and hopefully it turns out!!

# Posted: 28 Nov 2022 18:48

Want to log cabin look.

# Posted: 29 Nov 2022 07:33

A quality stain will have that rough cut looking new for years and years.

# Posted: 29 Nov 2022 10:35

You are doing what I wanted to do when I built my cabin. The only difference is you have pine lumber to work with where as my was oak. I suggest you cut some of these boards and build yourself a 4x4 stud wall, stain the boards and fasten them to the wall with your gap and chink the gap. I had a vision in my mind what mine should look like when finished, but after I did this it didn't look anything like I thought it was going to. One thing you will find out that staining rough cut boards you will not get a even look it will be real spotty. I don't know what access you have to a planer or other wood working tool, but if you decide to go the way you are visioning then I would cut a rabbit joint on the surface edge about 1/2 deep and 3x4 wide and butt the edges together. Then you will have a 1.5 in gap 1/2 deep , then you can chink this. Depending what kind of planer you have access to you can buy molding blades to cut the contour of a log on the surface of the boards ,and it would look like log siding. I finally went a different path with my siding I will try to get some pics later, I ended up with 11 operations in each board before I was finished, but there isn't any other siding around that looks like it.

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