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# Posted: 16 Oct 2023 10:30pm
LOL, "it wont fall down all at once", I almost spewed! Maybe I should start wearing my old mc helmet when in there  Now that Ive had some laughs I feel a lot better, thanx guys 
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 10:49am
Non PT in the ground. It dosnt matter how good your soil drains it wont dry and wet wood rots. My vote is now to push the thing over before you get to far into it. A poor foundation will always haunt you.
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 11:33am
Of course you are right, Brett; and you arent the 1st one along that line. Early on a friend took a look at it and said,"there isnt anything wrong with this that a fire wouldnt solve", LOL. We bought anyway, and would have even if there hadnt been a cabin on the property, the price was right; ie, we did not pay a premium for the structure. It doesnt leak, is usable, seriously rustic and looks the part so much better on the property than an old trailer like some places have here. Good advice, Dont Get In TOO Deep
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 12:17pm
Yes, it sounds old n dilapidated but it is your home. And keeps you warm and safe. Your still getting by. So good on ya man. If you were to purchase the land anyhows and got to live in the home for basically free then I'd call that a win win. Now you can decide on your next course of action Follow your instincts. You seem knowledgeable in construction. And we all get ol n beat up. My beautiful wife n me started building last spring. And still have a long way to go. But I putter a few hours every day. And hopefully the siding will be wrapped up soon. Good luck in your decisions stay positive and on track
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 03:40pm
Good news today! Caught up with our township blg inp, he is a local guy to the cabin property, knew the prev owner builder and knows it is a poorly done shack. I bounced the idea off him of our putting up a comparably sized and use pre-built or maybe garage kit conversion to cabin and he says as long as we have no plumbing or elec service it doesnt change our status as a hunting/fishing/recreational place and we can 'build' the new with the old one in place then tear it down. All I have to do is pick out what we want to do, show him what it is and get the building permit. Now to shop 
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 06:44pm

# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 07:01pm
Quoting: gcrank1 we can 'build' the new with the old one in place then tear it down. All I have to do is pick out what we want to do, show him what it is and get the building permit. This sounds like the best option. Can you keep the current cabin and use it as a shed or something later?
What kind of cabin are you shopping for?
# Posted: 17 Oct 2023 08:12pm
Currently we are at 16x24ish, one room, and like the open concept 'lack of' floorplan and size. Id like to stay 'comparable', maybe upsize a tad to 20x24? Ive considered modding a 'garage' since those are common and relatively simple builds. We are limited on road-haul width for a prebuilt (without over-width special permit, etc) and think I would prefer on site build. We have a former Amish builder we know we can trust and work with. We both would like a covered porch at the best view and lots of windows to 'bring the outdoors in'. The current cabin could make a toolshed and workshop but I have a nice prebuilt 10x16 mini-barn toolshed since last year; ie, how many buildings do I 'really need' on the place? And we may well have a 'location conflict' between the current and a new cabin. We will go up tomorrow and start pegging corners for size and footprint so we can site the notion (my wife is a visual person/has a hard time making a mind picture from my verbal explanations).
# Posted: 18 Oct 2023 06:04am
There is a cabin company that's prety local to me that builds really nice Adirondack style rough cut cabins. They are pricey but look far better than a converted shed.
The pictures on there website are actualy prety crappy. If you want better ones there FB page is where there at. https://www.landandcamps.com/camps-we-build/
# Posted: 18 Oct 2023 10:17am
Hey good on ya man
# Posted: 18 Oct 2023 10:38am
Thanx for the link Brett, funny thing, those look like a (much) nicer version of our rustic shack! It is a look that we Do like if the build quality is right. Ak, the blg insp almost made it sound too easy, maybe he likes us. The place was a junkers mess when we bought in Aug 2020 (had been for decades) and we cleaned it ALL up and I got a permit last year to put in our pre-built as my toolshed/workshop; you know, follow the rules/be a good neighbor. The old 'fly under the radar' and/or 'see what you can get away with' can make for a them vs us relationship with a poor future.
# Posted: 26 Oct 2023 11:05pm
Its been rainy here so we've gone lookabout at prebuilts lately and Ive been doing armchair online '3-D built it' from the Oldhickorybuildings.com website. My 1st was to duplicate what we have for size and structure and existing door and windows. Then started moving those around, adding some, etc (staying with the open floorplan) and rotating the building on the property for different views from within. What an education! Certainly is better than trying to imagine and quicker than drawing. Also found a fairly close log prebuilt company, just gotta go take a look..... Then today I went up alone, had a nice quiet day, puttered, sat and looked at it considering, went for a walk in the drizzle; ya know, should I/shouldnt I? I do like the silly thing. If I had not other obligations for tonight I would have stayed over.
# Posted: 27 Oct 2023 11:30am
My beautiful wife n me took a leap. We're building a new home to grow ol in. I can do 99% of the work myself so that really helps. Cut costs in half easy. And we had the raw land. If you already have power and a well, septic you can reuse that helps. It was easier for my beautiful wife to decide. Took near 2 seconds. I was right there but concerned about having to build another house. With my beat up body. But we're doing fine. And our kids will be our neighbors forever. So I'm feeling very blessed. Will say prayer for you
# Posted: 27 Oct 2023 12:23pm
Even as things are we are blessed too  Things are more frustrating and aggravating than anything (ie, the Devil Red Squirrels, but they Will Always Be An Issue!). Our options are wide open (how many can really say that!) other than every day we are a bit older. The Grace of God has sustained us this far and will continue. We are not backed into a corner just for survival like so many in this present age. This is just our retreat/recreational get-a-way, not life and death; I do better when I keep that in proper perspective.
# Posted: 28 Nov 2023 11:41am
We are pretty quickly moving toward a prebuilt milled log cabin 12.5 x 28 or 32 long. We are choosing some options 'beyond a shell' so It will be turnkey and move in. Then the project/work will be removing the old one (we do have a sizable Amish community there that someone certainly would want to salvage lumber). Cost/Ben ratio? Looks like a win for our use and for resale; even at what is looking like just over $100/sf. Waayyy more than the pricing I had looked at pre-Covid, but that was then, This is Now. With our money down they would 'factory' build it this winter, come spring I and tractor can do the site prep, bring in a load of limestone and be ready to move it in. Kinda gotta decide before Dec 15 to lock in 2023 pricing.
# Posted: 28 Nov 2023 12:06pm
Sounds like a good plan. I know I sure don’t have the grunt left in me to build another one a decade later. All I can do to keep this one going.
Good size too, same as mine. All you need.
# Posted: 29 Nov 2023 09:53pm
Ive heard that one of the most stressful things a couple can do is 'build a new house'..... My wife is a Readers Digest Condensed Version kind of gal, she sees and states the overview quite well. Im the detail guy. Should be a nice match, hey? Ummm She has decided the 'new cabin' needs to go mostly where the current one is. No big deal, move everything out, haul and store someplace, not be able to use it while 'in process', etc. Well, the quick (and imo stupid) way is to basically empty it out and pull/push it down and into a pile far enough away to prep the ground, drop a load of gravel, prep it and bring the new cabin in. A couple of days, right? LOL Cabin in a weekend project! Head banging time.....
# Posted: 29 Nov 2023 10:11pm
Move the contents you want to keep into a rental container (PODS). Demolish the old. Haul it off. Prep the ground. Bring in the new one....
# Posted: 29 Nov 2023 10:52pm
If only I hadnt filled up the prebuild 10x16 'toolshed/workshop' (last years move-in) with dumb stuff like tools and materials..... But then we were still thinking of continuing to renovate this shack. All our goods would storage fit (not livable fit) into that shed. We were just talking about me using my 8x12 ice shanty as a bunkie during the transition so I wouldnt have to be driving both ways each day. Not sure if that is kinda like Im in the doghouse now or what?
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 06:16pm
We put money down on the 12.5x28 today. I have until Feb to finalize the details like window and door positions, some elec runs, etc. They have been building cabins in particular for 25+ years kinda locally to us, all done inside until finished. Im hoping for an early spring for me to get the site prep done and move it on in 
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 06:57pm
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 06:59pm
Nice, you will enjoy it...Looking forward to hearing and seeing it!
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 08:04pm
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 10:28pm
Sweet! Looking forward to the build thread.... you gotta get a digital camera/smart phone!
# Posted: 10 Dec 2023 10:57pm
Now that winter is coming on strong I need to spend some time getting up to speed on some of this more complicated forum stuff..... Suppose learning pics could be a good snow day project, lol. It is a pretty little thing that will look, and be Great, on this property.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 07:14am
Good stuff. Always an exciting time
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 12:02pm
Sounds like you're moving forward. Congratulations on your new home. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 05:51pm
Should I feel guilty here because Im not building it? Star Log Cabins, Sparta, WI is a family run operation, from sales thru delivery. I have a good friend with a small one, 10x16 iirc, for the past 10yrs and is still satisfied. Talking yesterday at Star on build details (while in a finished one) it certainly underscored I may have the build desire but just dont have the beans anymore. Guess it is about time I work smarter instead of harder.
# Posted: 11 Dec 2023 06:00pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Should I feel guilty here because Im not building it?
# Posted: 12 Dec 2023 09:55am
You should feel very proud ! You are moving forward and providing for you and wife
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