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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / planning elevated 16x20
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# Posted: 26 Jul 2024 14:02

over the next year, i plan to build a 16x20 in the MS Delta on land near a national forwest that lies below the minimum elevation required for permenant living structures. I expect to have to build the cabin at least 8 to feet off the ground.

im thinking 6x6 posts, but not sure how many and how far to space them with the floor being so high off the ground.

Also, due to the low ground elevation, there may be special county requirements for septic treatment systems that have to be met befor the local water and electric utilities provide service. so, for the first year or so, this cabin may be off-grid with generator and/or solar power for lights and possibly propane for water heater and stove. we get quite a bit of rain throughout the year and I'm thinking a rain barrell water system.

the cabin will be used mostly over weekends between setpember and april. if i build in a shower and want to heat the water, should I go with a tankless gas water heater off portable propane tanks, or electric water heater running off generator power?

any thoghts?

thanks in advance,!

# Posted: 26 Jul 2024 18:38

Your county building permit office will have more accurate information than we can provide.

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