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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Privy
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# Posted: 1 May 2012 12:24

Again I am in this greywater issue - I do not want to have a septic system then where do I run grewater to?

The building inspector said that they allow compost toilets and will also allow a privy. What if I install an indoor compost toilet which we will use exclusively for our 'toilet' needs but also install a privy to which I will run my greywater exclusively - I will not use the privy as a toilet at all.

I found some guides online that show how to make a greywater system and it is basically the same as a privy - a hole in the ground. So this should suffice.


# Posted: 1 May 2012 12:41

If you are dealing with a building inspector that is discussing compost toilets and privy's, he should also be able to provide details on a leaching pit (and the requirements needed). A privy is not designed to get rid of greywater. I cannot say exactly what is needed in your area but at my property it was easy to build - about a 4x4 ft hole, gravel on bottom, lined with some material that allows flow through on the bottom half and solid on top half. It also needs to be airtight at the top. You will have other rules that need to be followed. In addition, in our area you cannot use a pressured water system (include gravity). In other words, it is designed for small amounts of grey water. Here is a picture of mine before I put the top on it and covered it back up with soil.

# Posted: 1 May 2012 12:55

Rules for greywater vary from state to state; you should be able to find what is required in your area, especially if you are already talking to inspectors. A means to separate grease, oil and solid matter from the water is usually needed. Solid matter can begin to stink along with the grease. Greywater treatment does consist of more than pouring it into a hole in the ground.

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