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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Building A Frame on Bluff
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# Posted: 22 Dec 2012 20:16

I had a dozer come in, level off the top of the bluff, put a shale pad down over the solid rock (2-3 foot pad), and I am wondering if I just dig down to the rock underneath and pour a footing or would I need to do other work to have a solid foundation. I would also like to use concrete blocks to have a fairly good crawlspace to store things underneath...say around 3-4 feet high. It will be located in eastern Oklahoma

# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 07:52

I would use these instead of blocks:

Drill 1/2" holes in the rock to receive the rebar, and thus, tie the foundation to the rock.

They are a super easy way to get a level foundation.


# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 09:54

Thanks Tom, I thought about that--how much rebar
for each pier do you consider adequate? Also, 8" piers would be adequate for the 4' height? The A frame will be
About 30x30 with a loft--12 piers will be adequate?
Thanks so much for your reply!

# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 10:42

This is where your education begins: Google!

Unless you know what your beams will span, its hard to calculate the number of piers. I would think 8" piers would support it, but because of the height and shallow soil, I'd want to bell the bottom and pour a good footing first. As for rebar, 4 pieces of 1/2" standing vertical, evenly spaced and drilled into the rock, tied together with cross pieces every foot or so, should be enough.

But, nobody on here knows your site better than you. If you do the research and reading, you may learn something that pertains to your specific site that none of us could foresee. Besides, planning is half the fun.


# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 11:27

Thanks for your help!! Yeah. I enjoy working on this project..
It's completely off grid and its a purchase of 80 acres on top of a mountain and I retire in 3 years---so, you're right, I'm having fun figuring everything out..that is what is great about all of this!!
I'm sure I will be asking more questions as it goes forward
Merry Christmas!

# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 12:47

jharris, overbuild it. Its much easier to do it right now, then to have to upgrade later with the weight of the structure on it.

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