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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Ground support, and insulation of joists
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# Posted: 30 May 2013 10:57

I am building a 24x30 ft cabin which will be allowed to sit on a surface foundation, because it will be moved in 10 years. I have 2 questions.

First are there any pre made, adjustable foundation products which I can rest my beams on? I could use screw piles, but the $5 K cost, I was quoted is a little rich right now.

Second I will be installing a double layer of hardware cloth underneath the whole joist system, one 1/4", and one 1/2" to protect against mice, and the occasional rat, and other little critters.

The reason I am using both is because as I read rats can bite threw the 23 ga, and mice can get thru the 1/2" opening. I can not find a 19ga, 1/4", or better anywhere.

I plan to use batt insulation which I have plenty of and leave it sit on the hardware cloth, is this OK? I will vapor barrier the top of the joists, The bottom of the joists will sit min 2' off of the ground. I am thinking that this would be OK, and the insulation would not be damaged from moisture due to good air flow. Thanks for any info.

# Posted: 30 May 2013 13:08

Quoting: alta780
rats can bite threw the 23 ga

only the 2 legged kind

# Posted: 30 May 2013 13:27

has some great info on foundations etc. it comes down to how cold your area is. if your joists are left exposed, while between the joists is insulated, moisture will condense on the exposed joist. as i understand it.

# Posted: 31 May 2013 00:52

Thanks creeky, my area is cold, Northern Alberta, I kow some heaving will take place, but with more than one deck built and in place, with surface support, I am not to worried, as the ground has not been disturbed for well over 75 years.

Great comment truecabin,,,,,,, NOT

# Posted: 2 Jun 2013 08:27

We found the 1/4" hardware cloth on Much cheaper than the big box stores.

# Posted: 2 Jun 2013 12:09

Thanks Bacon I saw the big price dif as well. I know what I want to do with the cloth, I am just wondering if the insulation will be alright sitting on the cloth, exposed to the air under the cabin? The air flow will be good, and the bottom of the floor joists will be 20" above the ground. I also read about a surface laid foundation, from the UK, I hoped there was something on this side of the pond that I could use. I don't really want to use screw piles if I can avoid it, because of cost for travel, install, travel remove, and travel re install. Pouring cement pilings here are also right up there in price with screw piles.

# Posted: 2 Jun 2013 12:25

You will want a breathable barrier under your joist and on the ground, they usually use a non breathable barrier in black. Not sure about the barrier over the concrete. I'd guess you may be ok with nothing as long as you have the breathable barrier under the joist, insulation above the joist and good crossflow across the pad.

# Posted: 2 Jun 2013 12:49

I have a whole bunch of 5/8, and 7/16 osb. It was going to be a future question, but here goes. I want to screw and glew the 5/8 osb on top, then lay out poly over the whole floor, then overlap and screw down 7/16 osb over the poly. Giving me a sealed and stiff floor with no bounce. I figured the open bottom, and the layer of poly would, both do their job, just like in a ceiling. The building permit, inspectors here, are just not helpful, and hate to answer questions. I guess they think everyone should just hire a general contractor.

# Posted: 2 Jun 2013 12:52

I thought that the hardware cloth under the whole floor system would be fine for the barrier, as no rain would get up there.

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