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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Crudely drawn 615 sq. ft. cottage
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# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 00:40

Wow -- thanks for taking the time to do that, rockies -- and so quickly, too.

Re. the changes required by the building code, I guess that's just the way it is. It isn't the first time that a person's dream idea runs up against the hard rocky shoals of Reality.

It's still recognisably the cabin I designed, though.

# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 10:59


Just FYI, Chief Home Architect is extremely simple to use, at least, in it's basic form. It also has good help / documentation and tutorials included with it, so it's very easy to get started.

I would give the trial a shot, you might be surprised how easy it is to use!

# Posted: 24 Oct 2013 20:32

Hi, Actually your plan is very close to what you initially drew. The main areas of trouble were the stairs and the roofline. When I looked again at your side elevations and the section drawing I realized that your roof pitch was quite a bit higher than 45 degrees (closer to 60 degrees). By creating a 3 foot stem wall on the south side of the 2nd floor I was able to make everything work. Keep in mind that if you do add the extra 45 degree roof down the sides, wrap it around the back and butt the ends up against the staircase bumpout you will have more of the "cottage look" you wanted. The inside layout, although resulting in some larger rooms, still has everything pretty much where you had it originally. BTW, I'm in Vanc, BC as well.

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