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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Cistern-how to plumb and wire
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# Posted: 29 Nov 2013 13:42 - Edited by: grover

Can anyone give me an info that would have detailed instructions on how to set up a pump, pressure tank, check valves, and anything else need to get the water from my underground cistern into my cabin? I seem to be striking out with my searches.


# Posted: 29 Nov 2013 15:16

Not a ton of detail, but this is what I am planning for the system...

I already have the 20 gallon holding tank and the 12V Shurflo pump. I ended up going with a 300 gallon cistern. It is already buried. Still have to add the transfer/sump pump in the cistern. I plan to wire in the float switch for the sump pump so that it is a low water level shut-off rather than the other way around. I will just mount a manual switch in the cabin to run the cistern pump to fill the holding tank as needed.

Hope this gives you some ideas.

# Posted: 1 Dec 2013 23:02

Thanks for the drawing. I would have thought that someone would have done this and documented the procedure. I guess I will keep searching.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2013 01:26

I buried a 1500 gallon tank and we have a pump in our shed that pumps out of the tank into our water system. The tank is filled via sand filters and gutters. The water system has a surge tank to maintain pressure and an ultra violet water treatment from canadian tire. The system has no problem keeping up with our demand. Tank purchased from Barr plastics designed as Rainwater capture meant to be buried.

# Posted: 11 Dec 2013 01:53

The pump we installed is a Meyers centrifugal, and the pressure tank is about 5 gals pre pressurized to 45 psi, I think. The pump is in a shed and pumps up from the tank, lifts about 10 feet from a 1/3 full water tank. The tank is filled from the gutters, lots of folks here just get lake water, but we had it tested and it turns out there is giardia and coliform in it. Some folks suggest getting water from the creek that drains the lake, and it's higher coliform because of free range cattle. It's safer to test and not expensive. The tank is buried with a minimum of 2 ' of soil and a layer of 4" styrofoam over the tank. Access manhole has a wood cover, lined with styrofoam over it. Water level is about 4' below ground level.

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