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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Cabin design ideas -- planning for gravity-fed water
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# Posted: 27 Dec 2013 01:39

I've read a lot of posts but I'm left with a couple of questions for those who have gravity-fed water systems.

Let's assume you want gravity-fed running water in the bathroom and kitchen with decent pressure, and that you live somewhere where pipes can freeze and where lakes and rivers are frozen maybe 6 months / year.

The water source would be a river or lake downhill.

A lot of people seem to have an outdoor water tank on a tower, that they pump water up to periodically. A good option, but presumably that would also freeze solid in the winter.

Would you plan an upper space inside the cabin (maybe above the bathroom or kitchen) for a winter indoor water tank? Would such a small height difference even be effective? If so, where/how big would it be?

Would having a very big tank in an insulated basement, with a pressure tank, be a feasible option? (worried about the weight of a large tank).

Any other ideas? Thanks a lot, not quite sure how to plan it.

# Posted: 27 Dec 2013 06:50

my neighbor has a 500 gal. poly tank buried under his cabin for winter use. that way he can shut his outdoor well off during winter. his hope is that 500 gal. of water buried won't freeze. I don't know if it works though.

# Posted: 27 Dec 2013 07:02

We have a 100 gallon tank in the crawl space below our cabin. The crawl space is insulated. The water has not frozen yet in the many years it has been down there. The tank is hooked up to a 12 volt shurflo pump which feeds the faucets etc.

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