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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Building 14 ft x 36ft with 2 loft
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# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 10:52

Gambrel big barn by tuff shed. I am thinking of doing my roughing of electrical wiring myself. I can do the running of wires, clamps and boxes, then I will have the electrician to hook things up, for safety. This will save some money

# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 11:57

Hartford.i like those grambrel sheds alot.thats a pretty cool u have land?how much land do u have??just curious.
that will save money to do as u say on electrical.
hope to see some pics one day.thanks for sharing.

# Posted: 31 Dec 2013 13:46 - Edited by: Dillio187

hope you have better luck with Tuff Shed than I did

# Posted: 1 Jan 2014 13:35

We have over. 4 acres, but there about 4 other relatives in their own home, so I just need to get going with my spot. Hopefully by June 2014 the shell will be done

# Posted: 1 Jan 2014 13:44

Which tuff shed dealer did you used for building your shed. Thanks for the information, I will send pictures later

# Posted: 2 Jan 2014 03:34

I went through Home Depot in Forest Lake, MN. The Tuff Shed outfit was out of Lakeville, MN I believe.

# Posted: 2 Jan 2014 10:01

Quoting: Dillio187
hope you have better luck with Tuff Shed than I did

I hope you raised enough hell to get some satisfaction on that situation.

I would have been one POed...well, I would have been MAD.

# Posted: 2 Jan 2014 11:34

I ended up speaking with regional people with Home Depot, and the manager of the Tuff Shed franchise. They claimed they were 'ok' because the windows they replaced the incorrect ones with were the same square inches as the old ones. I went around and around with them for over 3 months and got no where. Home Depot refunded me 300 whole dollars to fix the driveway! I do most of my shopping at Menards now.

Tuff Shed can eat my shorts (I have better words for them but this is a PG forum). I haven't watched that video in over a year and it pisses me off all over again.

# Posted: 3 Jan 2014 10:07

Can you expect custom requirements from a company that makes massive numbers of standard sheds? Companies like this build sheds as fast as possible. They aren't going to go back and touch up nail heads with paint. Also, that road doesn't have a solid foundation. It would have to be very dry for a truck to come in hauling such weight and not leave ruts. The first time you drive your truck in there when its the slightest bit wet it is going to do the same thing.
Sorry for the thread hijack. Just giving my 2 cents. Now bash away at me, I'm sure it's coming.

# Posted: 3 Jan 2014 15:53 - Edited by: Dillio187

"Now bash away at me, I'm sure it's coming."

You're dang right, especially when you make comments like this without knowing the entire story, so I will fill you in without beating you up too much, ok?

can I expect custom requirements from a company that makes massive numbers of standard sheds?

Are you aware that Tuff Shed caters to the custom build crowd? You have a large selection of windows, doors, sky lights, porches, and tons of other options available to you as an upcharge? You can customize every part of your shed from them. I paid them to do so, and they royally screwed up.

And for what it's worth, the road was fine until their stupid contractors got their 2WD 1 ton truck stuck in there, and then hired a several ton skid loader to pull them out. They didn't even pull the materials back there, I did with my half ton, and it sure as hell didn't leave any ruts doing it either.

Since I've allowed the grass to grow back onto the driveway, my half ton pickup has done fine and doesn't create ruts like that. The fact is their utter negligence in having to revisit my site 4 times with a 2WD pickup (and the logging tractor to get them out) caused the damage. It's been 2 years since this happened, and the only ruts on the property are ones they left.

to the OP: stay away from Tuff Shed if at all possible. if I could do this all over again, I would have hired a local builder and gotten a much higher quality building, and the customer support behind it as well. Hind sight is unfortunately always 20/20.

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