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Small Cabin Forum / Cabin Construction / Adding loft to cinder block cabin
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Infamous Dave
# Posted: 16 Apr 2017 12:31

We are in the process of trying to purchase a 40 acre piece of land that has been in my wife's family for around 50 years. On the land is a small hunting cabin built by my wife's uncle who was a block layer by trade. I believe it is about 16' x 20'.

If we are able to make the purchase I was thinking of trying to add a loft to add available space while still effectively heating with the wood stove.

I am 6'5" tall so I was thinking of some short walls on top of the cinder block walls then some vaulted trusses. I'm just not sure what factors I need to take into consideration. Will this even work?

# Posted: 17 Apr 2017 21:49

Pictures might help.

Infamous Dave
# Posted: 27 Apr 2017 22:40

This is all I have right now. Probably won't show you much...

# Posted: 27 Apr 2017 23:29

Problem is that if you put pony walls on top of the block, there's no way to support them laterally. They could hinge where they contact the block wall. I'm sure an engineer could come up with some sort of braced solution here, but that's going to cost money. Also, depending on how your uncle built it, it may not have enough strength to support additional floors, heavier roof, whatever. If the concrete blocks are empty and have no rebar and grout, the walls are very weak. With rebar and grout, and a good foundation, they are very strong.

I'd do more investigating before I made any decisions.

# Posted: 28 Apr 2017 11:46 - Edited by: Just

take off the old roof and ceiling joists if any .
add new ceiling joists 2 x 10 x16 ft.
add a hip roof with tree 16 foot roof beems not boards
add loft ladder
should be room for two beds up there
if you need more head room add a row of blocks first.

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