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# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 01:48pm
We figured we would be snowed out here in south-central WI by now but not so. And the temps have been running 'seasonal' or slightly more so, mostly mid to high teens (F) overnight and low-high 20's daytime. A neighbor knocked a trail in the 6"ish snow some 320' to the cabin with his full size 4wd pickup or we wouldnt make it, but make it we do. Since this is the first winter at this new place Ive made a few observations. At these temps mentioned the cabin is consistently 9-12* higher inside than out when we get there. First thing I do is turn on the 50gal cylinder outside, then the gas to the LP wall heater and light it up. After experiencing both I much prefer the 'infrared' over the 'blue flame' model. The IF feels just like the heat from a wood stove, the BF is just what it is, hot air. With that going I start up the antique upright wood stove. Within the first hour we typically are up at least 20*. This visit yesterday I hooked up the little, cheap usb port table fan (hooked to a jump-start pac) over on the cool end of the cabin and pointed mostly toward the cath ceiling. Rather than let the heat stack up top and wait for it to come down to us the fan gently circulated the warm air and the cabin def became more comfortably warm more quickly than the prev trip. Within 2hr we we up to 78*, nicely warm for a 25* day. Once up to mid 70's I shut off the LP heater. Fwiw, Ive watched this temperature stuff enough now to be confident in what to expect. As it becomes colder, and it will here in WI!, I will expect it to change up some; ie, the cabin may well not be that 9-12* warmer (but less spread) and the deep cold bank of the the interior and all the goods will take longer to warm up. That will make it difficult to justify going up for an afternoon/eve as taking 3+ hours to get comfy means only a short time to stay before leaving. Drat.....we might just have to stay over. Btw, Im finding my solar, that is mostly oriented E and gets no sun from noon on, is still charging at 3pm'ish from the snow cover reflected light. All a good thing. I have the bat-bank ready any time to switch on the 110 inverter in the power house, no muss/no fuss; that is pretty nice. Im glad I took the time (much to my wife's chagrin, she wanted me working on 'other things') to hook it all up last fall. She is happy with it now, though. We, or at least I, will keep going as long as I can drive in (no place to park and walk in unless I shovel a 'parking spot' in the driveway entry).
# Posted: 11 Jan 2021 08:33am
gcrank1 have you looked into getting one of those 12v ceiling fans that are a 12-18" in diameter? I had one in an ice shack i built and it worked great for pushing the heat down.
Only day visits...what's prevented you from staying overnight thus far?
# Posted: 11 Jan 2021 11:58am
I have a 4 blade 120vac ceiling fan centrally located and do invert my 12vdc to 120vac at the 'powerhouse' some 90' from the cabin (then there is the wiring run inside). Low and med speed draw about the same amps (forget just how much, maybe 6.5a?) and on high even more. Using it sparingly does kick the heat around well (blades pushing air up) but at that amps draw cost I dont want to run it hours on end. And it does move air enough to feel the draft whereas the little cfm fan is very low draw and does the job. And its paid for! We have stayed over; it takes planning, packing and the time available from other obligations. Somehow we are surprisingly more busy than I expected in retirement... With only a 45min. drive we can 'go on a whim'. That is easy during 3 seasons, winter is a 'nuther critter'. With a dead-cold cabin and a min of about 2hrs to get comfy my wife is kinda trapped huddling at the stove. I seem to be busy, in/out, and whenever coming inside I relish the heat, such as it may be. If the snow and weather conditions are suitable we can walk the property trails but the winter options are pretty limited. She can enjoy a nice winter afternoon....an overnight and a cold morning/next day turns into Groundhog's Day for her.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2021 08:57pm
it normally takes considerably longer than that to get our place heated up but my wife actually enjoys shoveling paths between the cabin and bunkhouses so by the time she comes in she is pretty warmed up. You might try suggesting shoveling to your wife as a way to warm up.
# Posted: 13 Jan 2021 09:26pm - Edited by: gcrank1
Lol! I learned long ago to gratefully accept any offer of help such as that When Offered  We had a bit of a warming trend the past few days, high teens then low 20s for morning and mid-high 30s in the afternoon. We went up today, got there by 11am and it was 36* outside and in. I started things up as I described and in 45min. we were up to 62*! Another 45 and we had 78*. COZY It was a fine day, partly to mostly sunny, meltdown to 42*, fairly still. We have a band of ravens (common or northern) that nest just to the west of us. They were out and about and make great vocalizations. If you havent heard them you can pull some up on u-tube. We also get an occasional Bald Eagle. That is the nice part of good enough weather to be out rather than just hunkered inside. The weather is turning back to winter tomorrow with days of cold and snow coming; I expect we will be snowed out now so this may be it for a while.
# Posted: 14 Jan 2021 12:15pm
gcrank1 sounds like gsreimers wife would be happy to come shovel you paths so that you can have year-round access 
# Posted: 14 Jan 2021 05:36pm
I'll ask her but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a positive answer if I were you.
# Posted: 14 Jan 2021 08:17pm
Id probably even buy her a new shovel 