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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Question about solar for charging a battery
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# Posted: 9 May 2011 01:35 - Edited by: dropkick

I just want to know how much of a system I need to keep one or two 12 volt batteries charged up.

Currently the only draw the batteries get is when used to power one 12 volt light at night, for reading/eating/etc. and to very occasionally power a propane furnace that I scavenged from a trailer - it won't run without having power for it's fan.

Normally I use wood heat, however sometimes in the winter I don't feel like getting up at night to keep the fire going but want to keep things from freezing, so I set it on 55 F. Also I have to confess to occasionally using it in the morning to give a quick jolt of heat to my toilet area.
So while the furnace is an occasional draw it isn't used most of the time.

Anyway, up till now I've been trading out batteries with my truck or hooking it up to a generator. I want to get away from this, so I was wondering how big a panel I would need.

# Posted: 9 May 2011 02:29

It depends on how much daylight you have and whether it's cloudy or sunny. How long does the charge on your battery normally last on average?

We don't have that small a system, but my husband (the electrical engineer) says that a regular 12v truck battery should bulk charge (10+ amps) with a 300 watt panel for roughly 4 hours of bright sunlight and a clean panel. On a continuous trickle charge (2 amps) you could get by with a 50 watt panel on most days with more than 6 hours of sunlight (sunny or cloudy).

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