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# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 05:42pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Just put up the last of the winter wood.... of course I'm lobbying for another load but my wife says enough! With 5 cord in the woodshed and another 1 1/2 cords stacked outside (will be covered) so a total of 6 1/2 cords and we only burn 3 per year I suppose we could put the saws up! I'm just one of those guys who sees wood split and stacked as "money in the bank!" More to the point, no cutting and splitting firewood in the snow... I hate that!
Oh, the wife just said... "Well if Gary, (our neighbor,) wants to go get a load we can go out with him and get one more. We still have a cord left on our firewood permit."
How are you all doing getting that firewood in?
bc thunder
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:13pm
I'm enviouse, been so busy with everything else I'm way behind on wood. But I'll get there soon......
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:21pm
Same here. I have enough to get through this winter and enough logs on the ground for the next. Good winter activity when the fair weather projects go on hold.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:30pm
You have to have a Firewood Permit?!
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:32pm
I didn't use last years up yet. The mini-split running off solar excess does virtually all my heating.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:37pm
Quoting: ICC The mini-split running off solar excess does virtually all my heating.
Sweet! You're not very far south of us nice that you can heat with solar electric!
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:39pm
Quoting: gcrank1 You have to have a Firewood Permit?!
Yes, cutting off national forest land. $10.00/ cord. We cut almost exclusively spruce as 5here was a bug kill in our area 3-4 years ago so lots of dead standing spruce that is ready to burn.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:43pm - Edited by: Nobadays
Quoting: paulz Good winter activity when the fair weather projects go on hold.
Winter here means snow, lots of snow! Last years' total was just shy of 20' accumulation. Never more than 4' on the ground at one time... but like I said, I hate to cut wood in the winter! Winter activities here are found in paperback versions!
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:25pm - Edited by: ICC
Quoting: Nobadays ...off national forest land. $10.00/ cord
Usually $10 a cord for green cut with a 2 cord minimum and $20 for up to 10 cords of dead and down here in my NF. But this year they did not issue any green; they want the thinned out D&D taken away. That is a real deal as much of it has been machine stacked and you can lop off stove length pieces.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 08:47pm
Got almost to the cabin Tuesday, small oak blocking the driveway (that's the guest unit in photo). I've been carrying my lithium chainsaw in the truck, so 5 minutes later wife, dog and I were at the cabin. About 6" trunk, good enough to buck for a few logs.
# Posted: 27 Aug 2021 09:52pm
Yep. Also been doing some crackin' and stackin'. I actually bought a WEN 6.5 ton electric cracker a few months back and really don't have any complaints so far. I've never had or used an electric one before but now I'm glad I got it. It's supposedly rated for up to 10 inch logs I think. But so far I've cracked some way bigger. Done white oak, black walnut, and maple plus some other so far. Only had a couple get stuck. But it's so much easier to plug this one in that it is to drag out the ole gas powered monster. Really quiet. You can actually listen to the radio instead of wearing ear plugs. IMG_20210706_1328106.jpg
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# Posted: 28 Aug 2021 09:13am
Darz... like your stand! Usually we sit ours on the end of the woodshed porch and it's just the right height that it doesn't hurt your back bending over. This last load it was on the ground and that is a horrible position to use it!
We bought a 7 ton electric splitter off Craigslist and man do we love that thing! As you've found, with big blocks it sometimes trips the bypass valve but just shut it down and start again. Pretty much all my life I've heated with wood and split by hand, after getting this thing I can't figure out why I didn't get one sooner!
# Posted: 28 Aug 2021 11:10am
NBD thanks. It came with the stand, but you can also use it without. I did put bigger tires on it. And welded up a hitch to hook it to a lawn mower or garden tractor.Quoting: Nobadays after getting this thing I can't figure out why I didn't get one sooner Gotta agree on that. Wish I would have. Lol
# Posted: 28 Aug 2021 02:39pm
Quoting: darz5150 welded up a hitch to hook it to a lawn mower or garden tractor. Quoting: Nobadays
Good idea! I've been keeping my eyes open for an older riding mower to pull carts, etc around with.
# Posted: 28 Aug 2021 08:41pm
Ha! Once it snows (and there was new snow on the mountains this morning), I'll haul out one of my 100lb propane tanks and get it filled. I'll be good to go for about half the winter with that.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2021 02:55pm
I pretty much have this winter's wood alreaty split as I usualy work 2yrs ahead. But this weekend brought big changes to my house. We now have a mostly finished 9 cord (4.5 per side) wood shed that was moved from another property. We built it tall enough to park a tractor in the back section. No concrete, just utility poles packed in tight with clay. 30 hours start to finish, I still have to put the sides on.
# Posted: 30 Aug 2021 06:36pm
Quoting: Brettny We now have a mostly finished 9 cord (4.5 per side) wood shed
Nice! I'd like one like that to put my equipment under.... snowplow, chipper, water trailer and the snowmobile. It was on the docket for this summer but when lumber prices went up it quickly got shelved for another year. We are about 2 years ahead on wood as well. There is a lot of dead standing spruce within easy distance around our place... been dead standing from 3-4 years so it is ready to burn.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2021 05:56am
Alot of it is recycled, even the utility poles that I paid $1ft for a few years ago. I did have to buy some lumber for it but what's odd is that PT lumber is now cheaper than KD.
I dont think 2x8x10 PT for $11 is to bad.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:25am - Edited by: Nobadays
Quoting: Brettny Alot of it is recycled
Good score! Yes lumber prices have come down. Funny thing here earlier in the spring/summer, PT was cheaper than KD, now it has swung the other way.
We are on a hill so have an elevated deck, it's 10'x26' and at the downhill side roughly 7'-8' off the ground and on the ends tapering back to about 2.5'-3'. We priced buying the framing and log-look siding in the spring to enclose it, OVER $3,000! Just priced it out a few days ago, just slightly over $1,500. Big difference! Going to try to get that done before the snow flies.
Added a picture... the added framework was for a temporary Solar panel mount.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:26am
Yep, my winter LP is set for maybe the next 2 years also  Hauling cylinders is way easier than firewood for us.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2021 12:29pm
Quoting: gcrank1 Hauling cylinders is way easier than firewood for us.
The day will come I'm sure! We're just on the down hill side of our 60s and wood is plentiful. We bought a BK catalytic wood stove last fall and it cut down how much wood we burn as well as significantly increasing the cabin comfort factor!
Presently the only propane heater we have is a small ventless wall heater. Great to take the chill off on cold fall/spring mornings but DEFINITELY NOT a primary heating source. Kind of thinking about a floor furnace in the future. We lack clear outside wall space to put a wall mounted vented heater. A ducted furnace under the cabin might be another option.
# Posted: 31 Aug 2021 02:05pm
The exercise factor of wood is a real hidden benefit if you ask me. It’s just a great workout