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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / UNIQUE UPG 8 Propane Fridge Issue
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# Posted: 17 Jun 2023 08:14


Hoping someone can shed some light on the issue we're having with our propane fridge. It stopped working over the winter time when trying to light this spring - this has happened in the past before and a quick change of the thermocoupler resolved the issue.

Assumed it was the same issue this time around - but after changing the thermocoupler - the Fridge still won't light up.

When depressing the Gas button to ignite the pilot - typically you have to hold it for 30 seconds - and after that period, you let go and the flame remains lit and the fridge is operational. After holding it for even 90 seconds now, it still doesn't stay light - after you stop pushing in the gas button, the pilot immediately goes out.

The thermocoupler seems seated in the exact same position - one thing to note is that the old thermocoupler end had a bit of a bevelled end on it, where is this one doesn't have that same bevel. Although the thermocoupler does say its specifically made for this model.

We also tested the voltage across the thermocoupler after it heated up and saw about 50mV, so I believe the thermocoupler is working.

Is there anything else that could be causing the gas to not work (e.g. a faulty safety valve, or one of the switches) and a way to test it? Everything out there just seems to talk about the thermocoupler.

Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.

# Posted: 17 Jun 2023 08:39

Does this fridge have the CO Alarming Device?

# Posted: 17 Jun 2023 09:18

I don't believe it does, it exhausts (always have) in the garage itself and never had issues before. I saw the CO alarm on the manufactures guide part list but I don't see something like that on the device anywhere, and you would think I would see some wires going to/from it too?

# Posted: 18 Jun 2023 08:25

make sure the flame looks nice and blue and uniform. It doesn't take much of a small flake of rust sitting on the burner to throw these things off.
If that doesn't work, you can heat the thermocouple with a alternate source ensuring it gets good and hot, if it runs while doing that, its simple not getting hot enough due to position over the flame or not a large enough flame

# Posted: 25 Jun 2023 14:25

I just picked up the same unit (not working), is it not lighting all togther or lighting and not cooling?

# Posted: 27 Jun 2023 09:51

Ended up taking a few things a part, putting them back together and it worked. Not really sure what the issue was. Flame was great, did change the thermocoupler but overall appeared to be something else (or both in combo with new TC)

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