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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / need help! outhouse pit started to fill with water after storm
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# Posted: 19 Sep 2023 18:54

hi everyone, ive had my outhouse pit dug for about 2 weeks. its 65 inches deep, and ive been waiting for the code enforcer to come out and check it out to give me the go ahead and the signed permit. everythings been good until today. I live in maine and we had a good storm yesterday and i go out today and the pit has maybe a foot, give or take a few inches, in it. I pump it out but the water keeps slowly seeping in from a little point in the corner on what would be the uphill side. ive kept pumping it out but it keeps coming back in. This hadnt happened at all over the past 2 weeks and im really freaking out. does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions. Im asking anyone and everyone i can for advice on what to do.

# Posted: 19 Sep 2023 20:40

You have a clay layer? Clay is pretty water tight, the run off is following a layer of clay?

# Posted: 20 Sep 2023 07:48

I would say the hole is dug in the wrong spot. You need drainage away from the hole.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2023 20:20

Can you attach pictures of the pit, as well as the layout of the land surrounding it?

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