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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Selling my solar livestock well system. Complete kit.
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# Posted: 2 Aug 2024 02:02 - Edited by: toyota_mdt_tech

OK, now that I have a full 220VAC to my well enclosure, I have decided to hire out to a local well driller, to install the pitless adapter, new pump, in well pressure tank and a frost free hydrant AKA a hose bib. Cost is over $9000. Those well guys pricing is all the same, I think they are price fixing.

So that means I will have for sale a complete solar well kit. This is a livestock type set up. Pump just turns on and flows. Idea is to keep a livestock tank full with use of a float switch. It runs water about like a kitchen faucet would. It has 2 solar panels framed together. These are 24V units, 85 watts each or 170 watts. The pipe is a 2-3/8" for the solar panel mount, it can rotate to follow the sun but its done manually and a jamb bolt to secure it. Typically, set for season and forget it. Also panel angle is adjustable. The pump can run on 18-40 volts, 48VDC is the max.

Its made by Advanced power, sold through an outfit in Oklahoma. I have replaced a solar panel already, pal broke it, they had my system on file, made it handy, sent me an identical replacement unit.

If you have a well drilled, off grid, then this is all you need to run water. If anyone is interested, email me [my user name in here] AT yahoo dot com. I'm asking $1300 firm. This also includes a back up transformer (POD BOX) that plugs into 110VAC (Honda Generator etc) to run well if you didnt have sun and needed water. The transformer was also made by the same company. It sells for $250

My well is 178 feet deep, static water level was 100 feet, this things has work flawless. At first, I let it run all day to clear the well water out, did this for my days when I showed up. Well now is clear, free of sulfur smell.

I would consider selling pump and transformer separately. Shipping the panels would be pricey unless it was a local pick up (Washington State)

Will have it out mid August.

Solar Pumps

# Posted: 2 Aug 2024 02:08

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