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# Posted: 28 Dec 2024 07:12pm
We got to 82*f inside today! We have had an unseasonable series of days here for south WI, the 5ish" of snow has melted off so we went to cabin (last time was 12-8, I have a daily 'flip' calendar to keep track), forecast was for mid-40s. At 12:30 I saw 42 outside/44 inside; heater fired up in 40sec., we ran it on high for the 3hr 15min we were there, all went fine. Btw, I used the two 'across the room' 30" tall slider windows open 1" each on one slider only. That is more opening than the calc shows for 30k btu (which didn't work good enough). The 30k btu is good enough for our 330ish sf and I wouldn't want less even though the 'formula's' for heater Btu's say less would do. Imo that calc would be ok for maintaining but not for bringing a dead cold cabin up to temp in a reasonable amount of time. If/when I need to replace I will look for 30k btu + just because.
# Posted: 28 Dec 2024 09:45pm - Edited by: paulz
You warmed it up 40 degrees and left? When I get my stone cold cabin warmed up I plan on at least a night stay to take advantage. Next day is easier with walls and furnishings already warm.
Can you get larger than a 30 in ventless?
# Posted: 28 Dec 2024 10:38pm
No Paul, we got it to 82* and Left , lol. This was a nice aft to go and thus a great chance to really test the heater after all my trials and tribulations. Joyce put out a new 'deer block' and some corn; we have a yearling whitetail that followed her up within about 20'. It is nice to sit inside with the heat running and watch up the meadow through our big deluxe slider windows on the north end. The doe, likely mom, came out in a bit too. They seem to hang out just n/nw in that corner of our '9'. We go back into winter in a couple days and the deer will have a hard time; we thought they deserve a 'New Years Treat'. I haven't seen a ventless over 30k Btu's, and this one was an expedient after our wood stove fiasco. The next will be an upgrade to a vented, probably a 35-40k unit.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2024 07:54am - Edited by: paulz
That is nice watching the deer from inside the cabin. We’ve had quite a few too but down below on the trail cam photos, no watching or feeding.
I debated firing up my old Williams direct vent wall heater when we got here last week, also 30k. But I just fired up the wood stove as usual since we were spending a few days. If you go to direct vent you won’t have to leave windows cracked open so maybe 30 would be enough.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2024 08:22am
For the way we use the cabin; ie, not going but occasionally in the deep winter, 30k has been adequate, and the rest of the year it is just run enough to cook the chill off. Ive thought that a bit more Btu's would warm it quicker and they all can be throttled back....though I tend to overkill..... Maybe the 'quicker' would be only marginal. For 30+ years with our old 1st cabin and wood stove only having one window more than a bit open for combustion air was not an issue, but all I had to do was throw another log on to make up for heat loss. Now I do consider each gal of propane. I need to keep my eye out for a used Williams type.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2024 09:18am
My Williams is the short wide one. Wish it was the tall narrow one, cabin has more room going up than sideways. 
There must be many other brands of used stuff out there. Mine came off Craigslist. IMG_4146.jpeg
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# Posted: 29 Dec 2024 06:15pm
The tall skinny ones are usually designed to fit between two 16"OC studs in the wall. Some, like the Williams, IIRC, can also be mounted on the wall face and protruding out into the room. They require 120 VAC as the ones I have seen have a blower than blows air out the bottom vent as it draws it in the top vent. Years ago I did see a tall model that would work with no fan; don't recall the name. If you are looking for one ascertain if it works without the blower as many do not; also most will be 120 VAC and not DC unless it was for an RV.
# Posted: 29 Dec 2024 09:27pm
Ok good, glad I ended up with the other one. Uses no juice. It does have a spot for a fan. I had a usb fan in there for awhile, never bothered with it.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2025 06:07pm - Edited by: paulz
Speak of the devil.. Got to the cabin today after several grid days, 42F inside and out. After firing up the wood stove for awhile, still cold, so I fired up the Williams Lp wall heater. Both still going now, 69 and climbing, 48 outside. Also fired up that USB fan I put inside the Williams long ago, see photo.
Also saw this on Craigslist. San Jose is way south for me but that would do you. Maybe an RV recycle yard? IMG_4156.jpeg
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# Posted: 1 Jan 2025 06:39pm
RV furnaces have always seemed to really suck up the watts. They are nice for being able to distribute air through the ducts. The one fan motor usually spins bother sir circulation fan and the combustion air fan. They don't work without power.
Does the advt state how many BTU's?
They have an electronic control board. Some are pricey but there are often aftermarket boards available for less.
# Posted: 1 Jan 2025 06:53pm
There are some pictures in the add of the data plate but I can’t make it out on my phone. Here’s a link.
https://sfbay.craigslist.org/sby/pts/d/san-jose-propane-furnace-heater-for-rv/7807372 907.html
# Posted: 1 Jan 2025 08:08pm
We had the typical 'Atwood' rv furnace in our bought new 2008? Aliner, generally only used it to warm up, not run for endless hours. When it ran it made a Lot of noise and used a Lot of 12vdc power; wasnt easy on propane either but that is an easy math calc knowing the Btu's output. So, with not a lot of run hours the 'board' went out.... aggravating and expensive. I did the research and bought a well regarded aftermarket board (the oem replacement will fail just like the first one) Short of it is, Im glad to be rid of it.
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