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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Rain Water discoloration
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# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 11:25

I have a question for anyone who has dealt with rain water catchment. I didn't build in a first flush diverter because I wanted to see what I would get. I have an asphalt shingle roof and I knew up front that I wouldn't get fresh clean looking water out of the gutters on the cabin. All of that having been said, I was thinking that what I did get I could filter somewhat and make it decent looking but no matter what I do to the water it still is brown. I've put it through several different types of filters. The latest being a 5 gallon bucket filled 1/3 with gravel then a screen then 1/3 with sand then a screen then the upper third being left empty for water to seep down through. I set this filter up at the house and ran clean water through it until it started coming out clean to get the sediment out of it but when I used it at the cabin my water is still coming out looking like iced tea.

I have trees over hanging my cabin and the roof is black and I'm thinking either and/or both of these things may be adding to the discoloration. If it is the shingles themselves, is there something that I can do to the water to get the discoloration out of it? I haven't tried boiling it yet. Perhaps after a period of time the shingles would stop discoloring the water? if so how long?

I'm not thinking that a flush diverter is going to stop the discoloration as I went up there yesterday after Issac came through and the water coming out of the gutter I'm not using after a couple inches of rain still looked like tea.

The water feels so good to shower in because it is so soft.

We're going to spend the week at the cabin starting next weekend so I was just looking for any ideas.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 15:40

I have a dark green asphalt shingle roof and mine comes out clear looking even before filtering. I have pines that overhang the roof a bit, but not to much....I dont think the first flush would help you either....I have no answers, but I am curious...

# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 16:23

Could be trees, could be algae in the water, check the temp of the water to see if it is over 60 degrees, if so that could very possibly be it.
Could also depend on if your roof shingles are fiberglass backed or old non fiberglass.

# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 16:37 - Edited by: Martian

I'm guessing it is tanic acid from the trees. Try putting a little bleach in and see if that clears it up.


# Posted: 1 Sep 2012 20:59 - Edited by: Bzzzzzt

I have put bleach in the water. It is still discolored but it smells different. The trees overhanging my cabin trees are perhaps Oak. Maybe that is what the problem is.

# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 20:15


You nailed our problem. I'm relatively sure it is the tanic acid from the oak trees. I took a sample of the water in a clear glass and added about an ounce of bleach and sloshed it around for a while and it took about 80% of the discoloration out of the water. I added about 2 ounces to my 55 gal drum and we'll see if that does anything to it.

Thanks a bunch!

# Posted: 4 Sep 2012 23:22 - Edited by: Martian

You're welcome.

You could think of it as non-alcoholic scotch.


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