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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Just bought a used honda generator 2000i
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# Posted: 8 Dec 2012 13:48

For $650. A guy didn't use it anymore and sold it. Makes me think about how much will it save me to buy solar or run the Cain with the generator. Anyone here looked at payback numbers?

# Posted: 8 Dec 2012 15:35 - Edited by: groingo

Yep, look at them all the time and it all hinges on your power requirement and climate zone (is solar even doable) and if you are trying to beat power utility rates.
If your planning on living there full time a generator is a stop gap till something better comes along mainly because of the high cost of fuel and engine wear and tear which grows quickly the higher your power requirements are, generators 2000 watts and below get significantly better fuel mileage than above and this applies especially to Honda and Yamaha generators.
If not living there full time and say for a weekend stay the generator should do fine.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2012 18:57 - Edited by: MtnDon

It's more than just dollars and cents to me. They are important, but there is more involved. I have a general dislike for generators. We used one for years in the traveling RV. We had some batteries, but the generator had to run for microwave use and for recharging the batteries every couple of days as we had no PV for most of the time.

The first thing is to know how much power you will use. Take some time and write it down, use a computer... wait a sec'... we've been down thid "how much power do I need road before. When you know that you can come up with a PV system cost. Not before. Your use is likely different from mine and mine different from somebody else.

I hate generators as you may know. But they do have their place. Just not my place as a primary power source. But then I had the money to spend on what I believe is a very nice system. It did not detract from the funds for the cabin itself. And I am lucky as far as the solar insolation number s go.

I don't doubt that in a pure $$ sense it would be less expensive to run a generator like the 2000i (or a coupled pair for heavier use) for a number of years; maybe a decade even. But you still have to go start it each time, keep it fueled and maintained. And sooner or later it will need replacement too.

# Posted: 9 Dec 2012 17:35

It's not any cheaper to run a generator than to buy grid electric but if you don't have axcess to it,it's the only other choice.Here in WNY,there isn't to many sunny day's. in the winter and wind is very spearadic at best.If I can get two years out of this generator,that's about 40 bucks a month invested pluss 80 bucks in gas.=$120.00 mo.Pretty expensive electric.

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