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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Heat Sticks Fans
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# Posted: 13 Apr 2013 21:30

Has anyone tested these heat sticks? I understand the concept but do they equalize the temperature. My goal is to try and cool down the loft area, if this is accomplished by reheating the floor area, that is a bonus.
I am curious if anyone has numbers to what the heat temp was in the loft before it was turned on and after.
Thank you for any info you can provide.

# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 10:52

A friend of mine has a duct that runs from his loft down into his crawl space that has a fan and a thermostat that kicks in automatically. It definitely warms the crawlspace up although I think it is still fairly warm upstairs there. It would definitely be easy enough to make one up with a computer fan. I may make one up to try with my loft once I get to that stage...I guess I need a roof first.

# Posted: 14 Apr 2013 12:35

I have made heat sticks using a three inch computer fan. They run from my main level to the peak which is the loft area. I do not have any hard data as far as temperatures etc. I installed them this fall with the hopes that they would suck some of the hot air down from the loft. I have a back room that stays very cold in the winter and I hoped to have that warm air heat it up.

Like i said I have no hard data but I can say they definitely helped. I found that the loft was not nearly as warm as it usually gets when the wood stove is burning. So they definitely helped to circulate the air. I can't say that the air coming out the bottom was significantly warmer but you could certainly tell it was warmer then the air in the room. I did notice a big difference in my back room but I also cut a vent hole near the ceiling and then installed a heat stick at ceiling level to draw heat into that room. I was pleased with the results for that room.

The computer fans run off my 12 volt system and had a minimal power draw.
At the end of the day I was happy with the results and felt it was worth the effort. An added bonus was that I went through less wood this winter when I was up there and it felt comfortable .

I am hoping to run these fans in the summer to help on hot nights to draw the warm stagnant air out of the loft.

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