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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Incentives for Off Grid
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# Posted: 5 Aug 2013 17:30

I am building an off grid house in Ontario and was wondering if anyone had any ideas about possible grants or incentive programs that aren't limited by the off grid factor.
Anything I've seen on the Gov site and other websites seem to deal with on grid or grid tied.

Thanks for any help!

# Posted: 6 Aug 2013 11:08

I don't think there are any off-grid incentives for solar, etc in Ontario like they have in the US The govt seems to want to back grid-tie only.

If you find any, please post back!!

# Posted: 6 Aug 2013 12:06

The refunds and such are almost always tied directly to your tax statement, if you can use the deductions great if not they are worthless and I don't know of any that give checks or credits toward future use any longer as most programs have lost funding....(gotta keep those wars going)!

# Posted: 7 Aug 2013 16:49

In the states,I went to a grant money seminar a couple of years ago.What a joke.There is no money to help you go green.They want you to keep spending your money for the status quoue.Keep feeding that money grubbing government.

# Posted: 7 Aug 2013 20:03

I think the refunds are tied to a bunch of paperwork that might uncover a cash deal, or force people to get permits. They are rarely to provide real incentives to go off the grid. As a matter of fact in many provinces- and states from what I gather, in order to get permits, you must be on the grid. Stinks worse than the old outhouse.

# Posted: 8 Aug 2013 17:13

Don't know about Canada. US: the incentives are in the form of federal tax credits. Those do carry forward but not forever. Program runs to 2016 in US. 30% as a tax credit; no limit on PV. Paperwork: just save the receipts and fill out one more federal tax form. We never had any trouble using it to pay towards taxes due the feds. Our state also makes alternative energy equipment free of state and local taxes.

Even if you are off grid and install your PV w/o any permit you can still take the federal credit.

There was no need to be grid tied to get a permit, for us. And the DIY electrical permit was dirt cheap.

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