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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Propane Camp Stove Hookup
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# Posted: 4 Mar 2010 13:40

I am attemting to find a way to connect my Primus 2050 camp stove to the cabins propance line. I run a propance fridge on this line and have split the line to a separate valved outlet to accomodate a stove. Todate I cannot locate the proper reduction conectors.

I may have to give up and purchase a stove similar to a WedgeWood 2 Burner drop-in propane stove.


# Posted: 4 Mar 2010 21:19

what is the primus designed to be connected to?

# Posted: 5 Mar 2010 10:01

Desingned to connect to a propane canister or tank.

There is a pressure valve is on the stove's hose extension. I am attempting to bypass the extension as the pressure valve is on the propane tank that feeds the house line. Obviously I cannot have two pressure valves on the same line.

Thanks for the reply/question.

# Posted: 5 Mar 2010 20:18

if the stove uses a 1 lb. cylinder i have found a extension hose for 1 lb. cylinders. you can cut off one end and install a barbed hose connection that would be able to connect to your existing gas line . found/ seen most of these things in local hardware stores.

# Posted: 8 Mar 2010 00:46 - Edited by: karlscabin

There are two types of hoses available, one is simply an extension hose, and one in meant to adapt cookstoves ect from little green one pound bottles to the 20lb. (barbeque size) bulk bottle. you will probably want the conversion one, about $20.
Most "campstoves" need no regulator, or pressure valve, as you called it, as it is meant to be run from a straight bottled connection and are internally regulated. If you patch into your 'fridge line, the worst case senerio you should experience is no real "High flame", which if you use propane stoves as much as I do, you know is not really an issue. You may end up with a touchy nob that will take some getting used to. MAKE SURE YOU USE THREAD TAPE MEANT FOR LPG OR GASOLINE!!! IT IS DIFFERENT!!!

# Posted: 11 Apr 2010 00:40

i bought a primus camp stove at an auction and the male connection end coming out of the stove is to small to fit any bottle or hose ive found is there a certain type of bottle this stove takes or can i rig something?

# Posted: 25 Aug 2010 00:05

These are the canisters Primus stoves take

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