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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / New epsolar mppt solar controller
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# Posted: 4 Feb 2015 11:29

For those folks with small solar systems. Have a look at the new mppt epsolar "Tracer" controllers. lots of nice features. low price.

EPsolar Tracer 1215BN -- it's 130 bucks -- BN seems to be the new designation. But they have some cool features for logging and monitoring including RJ45 (same cable as your computer/router).

tho i don't know if you can just plug it into your router and monitor live through software.

but 130 bucks for an mppt controller. okay. it's only 10 amps. so max 120w solar panel at 12v or 240 at 24v battery pack. But for those of you with pwm controllers looking for a little extra juice. that mppt will be nice.

for 190 you can go 20 amps (240w solar for 12v battery; 480 for 24v). That's pretty much in the wheelhouse of 80% of the systems I see here.

and lots of nice features. Custom user settings; temperature compensation; Upgradeable firmware. etc etc.

I do see that once you get to 30 amps and beyond; for the price there look to be better choices out there...

# Posted: 4 Feb 2015 14:27

I had the 30 amp Tracer which never did work because it was clearly a resold defective but the interesting thing about them was they use PWM output.
If you get one and it has dirty finger prints on the front and a big magic marker X on the back, you'll know.

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 13:45

yours was the RN series. this is the BN series.

BN for brand new?

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 15:00

Yah, fingerprints were optional but the one key thing that gave it away was the stench of fried diode before I even hooked it up so I marked it clearly inside and out as defective, left the grimey fingerprints and back it went.

Afterwards I did get a KID to try for 30 days buy opted to stay with my little reliable PWM workhorse as the KID did have a lot of flexibility and ways to optimise by when all was said and done it was complete overkill for my application while the little PWM just does the job without all the hoobaju, I prefer simple and basic.

# Posted: 5 Feb 2015 16:53

that kid does look good. i really like that it can do a simple ifttt. if this than that. so once it's got your batteries to float it will divert. for, perhaps, a little battery heating in the winter time? Or to the water pump to fill your cistern. or ...

mppt does get you (depending on latitude and panel voltage) more power. 30% more morning/evening/shading. And if you have higher voltage panels going to a 12v battery pack ... double the power. and 24v panels are, watt for $, usually quite a bit cheaper than 12v.

mppt rules. it gets more out of the sun you get. and it lets you use a wider range of panel voltages. seems like a good investment.

btw. who shipped a defective product? bu**ers.

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