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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Water system in Alaska
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# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 13:55

Hey everyone,
I am going to move into a dry cabin about 14 feet from a running river. I have electricity in the cabin but no water. I will be moving in with my wife and 1 month old daughter and would like to install a water system. I live in Alaska.
I was imagining some kind of pump in the river, Resevior, inline water heater, and a filter.
I have never done anything and am also concerned about keeping the water from freezing. I was wondering if anyone has any experience and could give me advice? Even some step by step instructions if anyone has found something like that?

# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 14:27

Creek water for showering toilet etc be fine, but for consumption, maybe a rain water system, buried underground for storage etc. Not sure if that would be enough to keep it from freezing. Or you could just boil all drinking water???

# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 14:40 - Edited by: Jwilso12

Water is pretty clean and I will install a filter. The biggest concern for me is where to put the resevior and how to keep it from freezing. Also, an auto switch to flip the pump on when the water is low.
Dont need a toilet. We have an outhouse but we will build a shower shack.

# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 14:55

Depending on how high your ceilings are within your cabin you could use plastic 55 gal drums in the rafters. The heat from within the cabin would keep the water from freezing and with the water being above you gravity would allow for pressure if it was hooked up to pipes within the cabin. I knew a guy who had this in his cabin. He had a well that would pump water into the barrels and then had the barrels plumbed to a faucet to wash dishes and to take a shower (this included a hot water heater in the mix of plumbing).

# Posted: 9 Feb 2015 17:39

jwilsco, I use the barrels in the ceiling of our hunt camp. It is a cathederal ceiling so heat from the woodstoves gradually warm it up a bit, but just in the summer . We pump up from a river. Before filling we add a glug of javex , to kill the bugs. The barrels feed our sink , we also fill barrels at a sauna at the same time .
Does your river have a downhill flow, so that you could make use of the head pressure to feed right into your cabin, or a supply tank and discharge back into the river?

You might look into a ram if it would work in your situation. Lots of possibilities . old 243

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