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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / solar panel orientation
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# Posted: 11 Apr 2015 13:29 - Edited by: smudgie

I have 4 15 watt solar panels that I want to permanently mount on a post. My thought was to point one to the east to catch the morning sun, two to the south to catch the all-day sun, and one to the west to catch the late afternoon/early evening sun. Is this wise? Or should I point all four generally to the south. My property is in the Sierra Nevada of California.

# Posted: 11 Apr 2015 14:13

With something that small and light a good ground based mount would allow you to move the panels to track the sun by season, light weight wood frame is easy and inexpensive to make but the most important thing is you southern most exposure, the more uncluttered the better.

I have a small 400 watt system on a ground based wood frame and it has worked out very well, only cost $17.00 in materials and took a little over an hour to build.

# Posted: 11 Apr 2015 15:13 - Edited by: pizzadude

I too am planning my panel frame set up. I think I've decided to lay them flat(i have a flat roof). Nothing is for sure yet though. The reason being is my panels(3, 230w, 24v) put out an open ciruit voltage of 27vdc in a dimly lit room, and 37vdc outside, partially shaded.
I dont feel that my panels need to face the sun all the time. Would I get faster charging results and better efficiency? Most likely. But I don't think it's crucial, at least not in my case.
Smudgie, maybe you can run a few tests before the final installation. You might find, depending on the type of panels you have, that direct sun exposure is not required for decent charging results 🍕

# Posted: 11 Apr 2015 15:31

Thanks for your responses. Here's more info: the panels are about 1 foot by 3 feet each. Got them at Costco. For years I've had them set in a box and the box is on a turntable so I can rotate it as the day goes on. But I want to get away from that. I'm only at the property from about June thru October due to inaccessibility during the snow season. The panels are located on the North side of a pole barn in which I have parked a 28 foot fifth wheel trailer. (I'll soon turn the barn into a cabin when $$$ permits. I'll be sure to write about it here.) Anyway, later in the summer the barn blocks the sun (I have to move the unit around to avoid the shade which gets to be a hassle) and, hence, I want the panels mounted up on a post where I don't have to touch it again. My feeling is to mount them exposed to the sun at the three positions I describe above because I think the two alone facing the south will get the dual batteries of the trailer to a full charge during the day so why point 4 panels that direction. Most of the energy use in the trailer is in the evening so I might as well have a panel facing the sun until sundown. Your thoughts? Also, is there a lightning issue to be concerned about if I build the frame for the panels out of angle iron? The post will be a pressure-treated 4x6 mounted on a concrete footing about 8 fee from the barn.

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