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# Posted: 8 Jun 2015 12:07pm
how often do u clean your outhouse?or do u? how do u clean it?
# Posted: 8 Jun 2015 05:54pm - Edited by: cabingal3
well we have lots of pumice in the air.so our outhouse gets really dusty. so i throw water on the inside once a week and pine-sol,i swab it out.the floor and the toilet seat cover. i even get a broom and get the cob webs out... just a refreshen up!!
# Posted: 8 Jun 2015 06:55pm
I have been to lots of hunting camps in the northeast...they spray it down with a pump-up garden sprayer with a Clorox /water solution/walls & floors ...keep the flys/black flys at bay as well.
at my camps...I just flush and use Clorox as well with a toilet brush ....sorry I had to say that..LOL
Gary O
# Posted: 9 Jun 2015 07:18am - Edited by: Gary O
Ah, the privy I'm just extremely thankful for this lady of mine, especially in regard to cleansing the amenities. I really don't dedicate a lot of consideration in regard to care of that particular out building. Just happy to exit without some horrific event occurring.
Ever have a moth bat its wings on yer sphincter? Causes one to immediately unhunch and develop a rather quizzical blank stare for a moment before realizing what's actually going on. I don't know which one of us was more terrified.
But, yeah, I spend as little time as possible there.
Once we get everything situated, I'm gonna make an incinerating hopper (metal pail and blow torch).
# Posted: 9 Jun 2015 08:12pm - Edited by: Don_P
We kept a can of ashes with a grain scoop inside and a little sign "If you tinkle add a sprinkle, if you poop add a scoop". Other than that a cobweb stick and a run around under the rim with a stick to check for black widows...
If it's built on skids that span over a hole, when it's time for a change of scenery just hook it to the 3 point and drag it over a new pit.
Early on after buying the property I was bush hogging near the old house and had a sinking feeling, I jammed in the clutch but it was too late, the hog was in the hole. They had filled the old pit with rocks, or maybe it was just a mound of coprolite, I had made gravel. I took the guts of the gearbox in a few days later and the parts guy said "You guys with cabs just don't hear it when you're into something till it's too late". I said "What cab "
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 01:00pm
I get my out house pumped out about once every two years, i put yeast into it a few times a year to help break stuff up and i shop vac it everyone once in a while to get the diirt and spider webs out.
I also use a little black spay paint every now and then to help hide some of the stains!!!
# Posted: 10 Jun 2015 03:25pm
Quoting: Patgreat i shop vac it everyone once in a while Boy did that create an image in my head before I went on to read the rest of the sentence and then *ding ding ding* the bulb went on  (formerly trollbridge)
# Posted: 11 Jun 2015 10:41am
yes we have coffee cans filled with sawdust and fly strips ... i like the idea of painting it black inside.pretty cool idea. do u have decorations in your outhouse? i have a wreath,birds.flowers and this and that. i keep magnolia lotion and hand sanitizer inside too. where so u store your paper?? we use to store it in the cabin.now we store it in the outhouse.no critters bother it.
# Posted: 11 Jun 2015 10:01pm
Keep the toilet paper in an empty coffee can with a lid. If you are going to be gone for a while. Mice and squirrels like it for nest building. old243
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 11:41am
my wife has some decorations in the out house, all are out house related, and i always have a decent stack of playboys!! I keep a few roles of TP in a tupperware container in the house and the rest in the cabin.
I can not take credit for the spray-paint idea. One of my buddies came up with it after looking at 20 years of stains every time he came for a visit.
# Posted: 12 Jun 2015 10:31pm - Edited by: KinAlberta
Quoting: cabingal3 I like the idea of painting it black inside.pretty cool idea.
On a whim, my brother and I painted the old plywood walled shower in our parents' basement with left over black high gloss marine enamel. It ended up looking like black glass. Really cool effect, like a black glass mirror, and it lasted for years.
Timber Tramp
# Posted: 10 Aug 2015 10:40pm - Edited by: Timber Tramp
My outhouse gets cleaned out only in the winter. Since it's frozen it is easy to break off and discard. The hole isnt that deep and and the flies look after things in the summer. The trick is to have your outhouse well ventilated. All toilet paper gets burned in a barrel in the outhouse.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2018 12:28pm
well this thread is very funny. I would like to share another tip with you. I hate the outhouse because I am afraid of what may land on my ass because you know where those insects have been crawling so every spring I put a Home Defense MAX No-Pest Strip and hang it inside the hole. These are good for the summer, no insects in the hole 
# Posted: 28 Mar 2018 04:55pm
We use lime in the hole. Just like they did in the old days. Never have a problem with flies.
# Posted: 28 Mar 2018 06:56pm - Edited by: Smawgunner
We have a composting toilet that uses a large plastic bin/tote. I empty it every spring. No smell...just dirt like material. With the bin out, I put the empty back in then scrub the toilet wall (conduit pipe) down with bleach and a scrub brush. Then empty the bin of bleach/water....put it back in and weee ready for the season.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2018 07:55am
I gotta say, I hate the outhouse. Always on the hurry so you don't get a mosquito chompin at your butt. We just closed on the cottage in the fall, but it looked pretty close to full. Hope it settled over the winter and left some more room. We have a tin of ashes and lime (apparently that stuff is nasty is you inhale it?). The structure is a bit cobbled in my opinion but the ore bios owners left their own paintings hung in it ( seems they were artists. Anyway, when it is full, it will be a rebuild. We have a separett in the cabin of.
A painters work is all in vein, the shithouse artist strikes again - I remember this one was written on the wall of the outhouse at my uncles farm when I was a kid lol.
# Posted: 29 Mar 2018 10:24am
When I get to camp for the weekend etc. I unlatch it and sweep it out. I keep a piece of plywood over the whole that is removed at that point. Then I put the seat down. Ready to go in 2 minutes. After a busy weekend I'll lime the 4 foot deep hole. It is then could to go for another weekend. I have never had any issue with flies or odors! It is homemade, but properly vented. There is a screened vent at ground level to the whole, with it vented out the roof with a black painted exhaust pipe. Works great. I followed directions on the internet etc.
# Posted: 30 Mar 2018 09:41am
I spent several days at our camp just before Christmas , weather went down -20 F at night. There were definitely no bugs alive in our out house. Time spent there was no longer , than required. We have a two holer, with 2 200 gallon fuel oil tanks on end, with no top They have been there about 15 years, never seem to get any fuller, but I haven't inspected them too closely. Mosquitoes can be a problem in the summer, I like the suggestion, of a vapona strip, hung in the hole. old243
# Posted: 30 Mar 2018 03:34pm
We have one of these hanging in the outhouse.
# Posted: 30 Mar 2018 06:36pm
I clean it everyday, wipe it down with a few antibacterial wipes. Sweep it out starting from the top for cobwebs when needed.
Slake the hole and use septo clean about every other week or two weeks or as needed.
I spray Lysol on everything while holding my breath than latch the door and let the spray do its work. I do this once per week. image.jpeg
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# Posted: 30 Mar 2018 07:31pm
Quoting: silverwaterlady We have one of these hanging in the outhouse. Bug zapper I loooove our bug zappers!!!! That's an awesome idea to keep one in the outhouse!