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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / yamaha ef6300isde
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# Posted: 15 Sep 2016 15:13

i do not post alot on this great site
but i just picked up a new yamaha 6300 inverter genny
what a unit this genny by far is the best one yet
and all i buy is yamaha product
great on fuel and very quite

# Posted: 15 Sep 2016 19:05


# Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:19

Must be powering a lot of stuff because it drinks 4.5 gallons of gas at 1/4 throttle in 13.3 hours!

Got me curious what you need something that big and thirsty for?

Keep in mind your talking to someone who lives off grid using 45 watts of power a day!

# Posted: 17 Sep 2016 12:30

I have a Honda EU6500is that consumes close to the same and it poweres my entire home during an outage. It runs my electric water heater, range, microwave, electric clothes dryer, runs them with ease and in eco mode. But it wont run them all at the same time and does it with the same exact noise rating as the Honda EU2000i. I dont use it much, but my home doesn't lose power but a few times a year. When it does go out, its makes life so much better. Power outages are cool for a while, kind of like camping, but after a day, it gets real old. I can now wash clothes, do dishes, vacuum, use my computer, my septic system uses a pump (surge tank) so its a nice unit to have wired into the house. I wont take it to the cabin, ever unless I needed to weld something.

# Posted: 17 Sep 2016 13:16

I live close to the county line Pierce and Kitsap and there were 9 power outages last season mainly due to the very popular "Jumping telephone poles" and cars, the key reason I choose off grid and dumped cable internet for wireless, only time I know power is out now is when I start hearing generators!

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