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Tree feller
# Posted: 6 Mar 2018 10:27pm
Geez, it's quiet over here, I'm used to more action.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 12:02am
Planning! New deck Solar system Shower w. Warm water. Tearing the ladder apart and redesigning a folding ladder. Isn't there always something else to do? Especially for old people like me?
Gary O
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 12:55am
here goes;
I’m a new man
Went to the big city yesterday Not a looked forward to event, as my lower back has had a knife in it the last few days Taken to hanging on a stout tree limb to get it unkinked for awhile
Even getting outa the easy chair hasn’t been…easy
Got used to planning things while I was up…stoke the stove, find a pencil, get my slippers, stuff like that
Chores have been an adventure
Everthing I do here takes some heft My lady loves to get the wood, so that’s hers I got the water and fuel Water and fuel are heavy
Anyway, after chores and prettying up, we commenced to head to town
Oh…yeah…getting in the Jeep became….unique Shifting gears and audibly crying seemed to become bothersome as my lady pretended to sleep most the 50 miles
Once in town, parked, lifting my legs out the door with my hands, and gently oozing my feet onto the tarmac of the grocery store parking lot, I stood there, plotting my course. Cutting out the usual pit stop at the sporting goods store. By the time I’d gotten to the grocery store door I’d evolved from battery powered robotic zombie with limited rotating devices to the fluidity of aged human geezer codger, all in a mere 20 minutes After buying out Walmart’s back patches and a heat/massage thing, everthing else about the trip is an excruciating blur
The unscheduled stop at the new Hemp Oil shop We were coming from Home Dopey when my lady casually mentioned seeing the place I immediately did a U-ie.....eventually
The two kids were very informative, helping me to decide which potion was best I chided them on their prices Bought the CBD balm and a dropper bottle of oil I applied the balm right away Pessimistically hoping Didn’t take long By the time we left town I was new, whole again
Still, not ready to concede the specter of the power of positive thinking. But after getting out of the Jeep with gazelle like agility to get our usual one dollar ice cream cones at Burger King, I began to be convinced My lady dropped a drop of the oil under her tongue
That was yesterday
Today, after rising with the sun, I skipped to the shop to get things turned on Waited as my reborn woman of yesteryear prepared breakfast The usual day’s chores outa the way, my lady suggested we go on a hike
Anyway, I haven’t felt this painless since the mid ‘80s I’m now practicing facial expressions other than grimace And whistling has taken the place of wincing
Is gonna be a great spring
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 09:00am
That story will not be topped.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 12:14pm
Been a pretty cold winter in the Saskatchewan prairies, No rain last summer, no snow this winter....until now. Some nice folks in Colorado sent up a "low" all the way to Saskatchewan. Had to dig out my snowshoes to walk the dog.
Thanks again...was not looking good thinking about spring seeding until now...that snow will keep the creditors at bay for another month!
# Posted: 7 Mar 2018 01:57pm
Yes! I've been spending the bulk of my time getting ready to retire my 12x12 bunkhouse and have spent countless hours drafting plans for my next cabin, a 24x32!!
# Posted: 8 Mar 2018 12:58pm
We've had too much snow this year. I'm hunkered down reading and watching the Waltons (got the entire set for Christmas). 
# Posted: 8 Mar 2018 01:46pm - Edited by: steveqvs
Sold my camper last fall and have been trying to figure out the right direction to go. I was tired of cleaning after mice and even a snake that found their way into my new camper. I have looked at a lot of things but the desire for my wife to be mice, snake, and bug free has led me to the possibility of a container cabin. I have been doing a lot of internet research on that. there are a lot of good and bad reasons for one. But the one thing for sure is it could be made safe from those type of varmints. Still not convinced 100%. But we go stretches of not going down and we are in some deep woods.... this may be the best route for that. Certainly isn't the vibe I wanted. But I would rather have a place I would use that that dreaded how dirty is it feeling after not being there for awhile.