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Small Cabin Forum / Off-Grid Living / Solar monitoring
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# Posted: 9 Nov 2019 23:03

I have solar at my off grid camp. I also have a remote hot spot so I have internet on 24/7. I'd like to figure out a way to remotely monitor:

-Solar PV Output
-Battery voltage

I have done a lot of research and I cannot find a product that allows remote monitoring.

Anyone have any knowledge about this?

# Posted: 9 Nov 2019 23:15

Quite sure Victron, and I know Schneider makes equipment that can be remotely monitoring. Are you wanting to monitor your existing equipment? Unless the manufacturer - what equipment do you have? of your equipment has a device that can be integrated. If not I don't know of a device to do that.

Hopefully others can help.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 00:10

To access that info (and more) you need equipment that has that capability built into it. All the major manufacturers now offer at least some models that can access the system remotely.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 00:21 - Edited by: darz5150

If your system has a display that shows all the things you want to monitor. And you have internet 24/7. It might be cheaper and easier to get a security camera or even a ring doorbell type cam. Point it at the monitor. Then when you want to see what's going on, open the app and look.

Nate R
# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:41

I never found a good product to monitor PV output once the batteries are out of bulk charge.

Morningstar DOES have a way to hook their charge controllers to the internet, and you can get a fair idea of what's going on that way.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:59

I can monitor my Midnite Classic charge controller with no issue (they even have it web enabled if I wanted that). All Tier 1 and most Tier 2 products have such capabilities, sometimes you need an external device to bring it all together. I do not know any 3rd Tier (Value Product aka cheapo basic stuff) that have such, yet... Although that is changing too as I have discovered.

@MntGoat if you provide more detail you'll likely get a better answer. What gear do you have and what exactly do you want to do would be helpful.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 11:44

Thanks everyone. The charge controller is an EP Ever. Find on Amazon. I just want to be able to see the voltage of the batteries and how much charging is occurring.

The camera idea is pretty clever- never considered that!

Nate R
# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 14:23

MntGoat: What are you using for a hotspot? On 120V or 12V DC or? Has it been reliable? (Stays ON when you're gone?)

# Posted: 10 Nov 2019 19:51

Nate it is through USCellular and came woth a 120v wall plug. I did some research and found that the transformer on the end of the cord converted the supply to 12v dc. So I cut the cord off and wired it directly to my battery bank (with 5 amp fuse). This way I can leave the inverter off when I am gone.

Only one issue in two months and it wasn't with power supply, the modem needed to be reset for some reason.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2019 21:49

Quoting: MntGoat
I have solar at my off grid camp. I also have a remote hot spot so I have internet on 24/7. I'd like to figure out a way to remotely monitor:

-Solar PV Output
-Battery voltage

I have done a lot of research and I cannot find a product that allows remote monitoring.

Anyone have any knowledge about this?

I'm not sure if this will be useful, but it's about remote monitoring!
I've installed new Nature's generator with panels and wind turbine, it has remote start and monitoring and it's really convenien, I found it here
I think they can sell the gen only or maybe monitoring gear, the company seems to be good, I've read lots of reviews and they're mostly positive

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